Michael Adam Beck

Michael Adam Beck

Michael Beck (michaeladambeck.com) is Director of the Fresh Expressions House of Studies at United Theological Seminary, Director of Fresh Expressions for the Florida Conference, and Director of Fresh Expressions for the United Methodist Church. Michael serves as co-pastor of Wildwood UMC and St. Mark's UMC, Ocala with his wife Jill, where they house a faith-based inpatient treatment center (House of Hope), and a shelter for those experiencing homelessness (Open Arms Village). These are traditional congregations and a network of fresh expressions that gather in tattoo parlors, dog parks, salons, running tracks, community centers, burrito joints, EV charging stations, and digital spaces. Michael earned a Doctorate in Semiotics and Future Studies at Portland Seminary with his mentor Leonard Sweet. He is the author of nine books, including A Field Guide to Methodist Fresh Expressions (2020)Fresh Expressions in a Digital Age (2021), and Fresh Expressions of the Rural Church (2022)

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A Field Guide to Methodist Fresh Expressions

A Field Guide to Methodist Fresh Expressions

Adaptive Ecclesiology - eBook

Adaptive Ecclesiology - eBook

Fresh Expressions in a Digital Age

Fresh Expressions in a Digital Age

An Ecumenical Field Guide For Fresh Expressions

An Ecumenical Field Guide For Fresh Expressions

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