Rose Taylor

Rose Taylor

Rose Marie Taylor is the Director of Children and Youth Ministry at First United Methodist Church in Lawrenceburg, Tennessee. She is also a senior majoring in Church Vocations at Martin Methodist College in Pulaski, Tennessee. Previously she served as Youth Pastor at St. Paul African Methodist Church for over seven years.

Rose’s greatest passion is to serve Christ by serving people. Her next greatest passion is her daughter, two sons, grandson and granddaughter. She also has a passion for Christian Education in general and discipleship to young people in particular. Rose also loves teaching, reading, and writing. 

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Fathom Bible Studies: The Wilderness Leader Guide (Exodus-Deuteronomy)

Fathom Bible Studies: The Wilderness Leader Guide (Exodus-Deuteronomy)

Fathom Bible Studies: The Promised Land Leader Guide (Joshua-Judges)

Fathom Bible Studies: The Promised Land Leader Guide (Joshua-Judges)

Fathom Bible Studies: The Wilderness Student Journal (Exodus-Deuteronomy)

Fathom Bible Studies: The Wilderness Student Journal (Exodus-Deuteronomy)

Fathom Bible Studies: The Promised Land Student Journal (Joshua-Judges)

Fathom Bible Studies: The Promised Land Student Journal (Joshua-Judges)

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