Timothy Siburg provides consulting around mission and identity for congregations and nonprofits. He is currently also working as part of a for-profit start-up in the Twin Cities of Minnesota working to close the unemployment gap among minorities. He has also served as a worship coordinator and music ministry coordinator within a local congregation.
He enjoys reflecting on leadership, theology, the church, congregational mission, organizational theory, and the social sector. As a Drucker fan and an ELCA Lutheran he provides a unique lens, and this will no doubt show up in his blogging.
Timothy graduated from Pacific Lutheran University with a BA in Economics and Religion, from the Peter F. Drucker and Masatoshi Ito Graduate School of Management (at the Claremont Graduate University) with a MA in Management, and from Luther Seminary with a MA in Congregational Mission and Leadership.
He is happily married to Allison another theology nerd and seminary graduate who works in a local congregation in areas around faith formation and life-long learning.