Home Worship for Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Vigil without full scripture text
The set of resources provided here are for Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and the Easter Vigil. The Easter Vigil held on the evening of Holy Saturday marks the beginning of the Easter celebration. Together these days make up the “Triduum” (tri-doo-um) which in Latin means “three days.”
While Easter is every Sunday, the days of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday are like one great annual Sunday. Because of the pandemic, we cannot do these important services together in church. While Easter is a joyful festival, we keep it now in a time of difficulty and worldwide sorrow. Still, we believe that Christ is with us in his word, by his Spirit drawing us together as one before God. We believe that the gospel of Christ gives us strength amid distress and comfort in the face of our sufferings.
These three services are really one event, stretched over three days. As a sign of unity, you might consider using these three resources for prayer at the time the congregation would have gathered in the church building or at another commonly designated time. (Alternatively, several homes together or the entire congregation may observe these services using Zoom, Facetime, or some other internet platform.)
Below you will find each service, without full scripture text, as a PDF download.
For a version with the scripture readings typed out in full, click here. For a simplified version for families with children or for persons who would prefer a shorter service, click here.