A Liturgy for Three Holy Days: A continuous service

April 8th, 2020

The events of the Last Supper, the crucifixion, the burial of Jesus, and the resurrection are at the heart of our immersion into Christ’s paschal mystery. For the first Christians, each day began in the evening, reflecting the Jewish understanding of time. From Thursday evening to Friday evening was one day; from Friday evening to Saturday evening a second day; from Saturday evening to Sunday evening, a third day. Together they make up the Three Holy Days (also known in Christian history as the “Triduum."

It is traditional for services beginning on holy Thursday evening until the service celebrating the resurrection to have no postlude or benediction. The liturgy download below follows that tradition, beginning on Holy Thursday with a time of preparation and concluding later in the day on Easter with a time of going forth.

This resource is ©2020 by The Order of Saint Luke. Adapted from A Lukan Book of Feasts and Holy Days, OSL Publications, 2017. Permission granted for reproduction in print or on the web by including this permission statement. If you find this resource helpful, you may wish to order a copy from Amazon or directly from oslpublications@gmail.com.

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