Photo finish
From drive-by birthday parades and plasma donors to pop-up pantries and doorstep deliveries, the people in this country are doing amazing things to love one another. And it’s contagious! Farica West, principal of Poplar Springs High School in Graceville, Florida, desperately wanted to recognize her school’s graduating seniors, who had missed out on much of their senior year and memorable moments. West said she struggled for weeks to come up with an idea to celebrate the seniors.
West decided to place a poster-sized photo of each senior along the school’s front driveway. A local photographer enlarged the photos. Then West and her husband and son attached the photos to posts and placed them on both sides of the driveway.
Ripple effect
With the graduates’ photos adorning the entryway to the school property, students and their families could come by, take pictures, and feel celebrated. Some people hugged family members they had come with, and some cried. Other members of the community took notice of the photos and couldn’t stay away.
Word eventually spread and Principal West began hearing from appreciative people around the country and beyond. Even people who didn’t have a child at the school came from other states to see the display. West said that people from New Zealand, Australia and Nova Scotia asked her for end-of-year celebration tips.
We all do
It feels good when we can make a difference in someone else’s life. Deep down we all can feel that tug, a Holy Spirit nudge, urging us to use our energy to bring about good. Principal West demonstrated that we all can do something where we are right now. Although we are going through a time of sadness and reflection, we can do something to make others happy.
Deep down we all can feel that tug, a Holy Spirit nudge, urging us to use our energy to bring about good.
Question of the day: How can we serve those in need around us?
Focal scriptures: Matthew 20:20-28; Galatians 5:13-15; Romans 12:9-15
For a complete lesson on this topic visit LinC.