On being wheat
“The U.S. Department of Agriculture admits that over 50% of our flora is made up of species that are considered undesirable by some segment of society,” says Courtney Allen Crump, pastor of Grace Baptist Church in Richmond, Virginia. “Weeds, undesirable, without purpose, unwanted by some,” she continues. In Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43 Jesus tells a parable about planting and sowing. Like us, the servants are eager to go pull up all of the weeds. But the landowner does not want to harm the good wheat, so he tells them to leave the weeds alone. Is that what we are supposed to do with the evil in our world? Leave it alone? Really?
This sermon is from A Sermon for Every Sunday, a series of lectionary-based video sermons designed for use in worship, Bible study, small groups, Sunday school classes or for individual use.
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