October 14th, 2020

Why is honesty so difficult for some folks? Lying is so common that it seems all but accepted, even from leaders who should be the most trustworthy. Being forthright requires transparency and confidence; it demands self-awareness and responsibility. Most of all, honesty requires character. For those who lack virtue, lying is simply second nature and is often easier than telling the truth. Wouldn’t it be nice if everyone were honest?

Social media inspiration

A pastor’s recent twitter post relayed a refreshing anecdote that provides some measure of hope. The Rev. Dr. Heath unexpectedly saw one of her parishioners at town hall. The parishioner’s husband had recently passed away. The pastor posted: “His [the husband’s] absentee ballot arrived yesterday. She [the widowed parishioner] was turning it in unused. She told me he’d so wanted to vote in this election. Don’t let the scare tactics fool you. There is still honor.” How refreshing to hear an example of someone going out of the way to do the right thing!

For sale

You cannot purchase integrity; trust is earned over time and experience in relationships. We learn whom we can count on and to what degree. Saying what we mean and doing what we say is always a good policy, but none of us are perfect. When we mess up, we confess our mistakes and publicly acknowledge our part in the incident. As followers of Christ, we must always strive to be honest. Period. The way we live our lives might be the only sermon that some ever experience. Being honest reveals the character of our good God who never breaks a promise. 

Question of the day: When is the first time you remember lying?
Focal scriptures: 1 Samuel 24:1-11; Proverbs 11:1-6; Matthew 22:15-22

For a complete lesson on this topic visit LinC.

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