Stations of the Cross 2021: Sharing Space with Christ
The Stations of the Cross depict through artistic expression the path that Christ walked on the day of his crucifixion. This walk, a journey through passion and prayer, also known as the Way of the Cross, functions as devotion during the Lenten season for centuries.
The Stations of the Cross experience has great significance for the Lenten and Holy Week season of 2021. Our world still faces a pandemic affecting our health and all aspects of daily living. This virtual prayer walk provides an opportunity to pause, ponder, and pray while you reflect on Christ’s journey and your own journey during this time of isolation and suffering.
The stations in this presentation are illustrated with photography provided by members of Belmont United Methodist Church, Nashville, as well as one United Methodist member-at-large. The stations prescribed for this Way of the Cross are found in the United Methodist Book of Worship. The scriptures are from the Common English Bible.
Photographers are credited on the bottom right of the page.
Permission is granted to share this document, images, and experience with others, but resale or reuse of texts or images is prohibited. Downloads of the presentation as a PowerPoint or PDF are available at the bottom of this article.