Teeth and bones
“I’ll never forget the time we took our daughters to Washington, D.C. for a short trip and of all the things they saw there, the teeth and bones probably fascinated them more than anything else. I noticed a distinct spark of curiosity arise in both of the girls when we came to the mummy exhibit and the early human exhibit in the Museum of Natural History. They had a thousand questions,” begins Phillip Martin, pastor of Epiphany Lutheran Church in Richmond, Virginia.
“If it had not been for the glass of the display case, I guarantee you they would have picked up those old teeth and bones and held them in their hands.”
In the Gospel lesson for today, Luke 24:36b-48, “Jesus is the exhibit, and there’s no glass display case to keep people from touching him. In fact, he invites it.” We, just as the disciples, are witnesses. What will we do about it?
This sermon is from A Sermon for Every Sunday, a series of lectionary-based video sermons designed for use in worship, Bible study, small groups, Sunday school classes or for individual use.
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