Public Prayers for Advent & Christmas 2
“Bring Us Home”
Glorious God of peace, you are greatly to be praised! you are gracious and merciful, very patient, abounding in faithful love. When we stumble into dark places we never intended, we know we can always come home. You are our patient, persistent, prodigal Father who sees us stumbling in the distance, then runs to embrace and kiss and celebrate us even in our unworthiness. We admire your grace-filled Spirit, O God, and are humbled by it. We praise you for the way you make peace.
Teach us, if you would, how to live peaceably with ourselves and each other. If someone is angry, help us not respond defensively, but to listen and seek understanding. If someone is hurting, remind us how you have consoled us in our affliction, that we might offer consolation to them. If someone is oppressed and needs an advocate, grant us courage to stand with them strong, and clear, and unafraid. Make us instruments of your holy peace. Hear our silent prayers, now, for all who need to hear Good News, to be healed, to be set free. (Silence)
O come, O come, Emmanuel; God be with us again. Like a fragrant rose, tender and sweet, ever blooming in a dry and weary land, bloom brightly in our midst that there may be joy and singing. Dispel our darkness, from sin and death now save us. Fix our eyes upon Jesus who comes to love, and serve, and proclaim your favor; our Wonderful Counselor, our Mighty God, who still teaches us to pray together…
“Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us—not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.”

“Persistent Presence”
Emmanuel, God with us, we come to worship you! We rejoice because of the great things you have done! We praise you for cheering our spirits, for dispersing the gloomy clouds of our nights! You bring us light and life. No one is like you!
Thank you for all you give us that is good, and right and true. We’re so glad you have come and promise never to leave. Thank you for making yourself known in the Christ Child, the Prince of Peace, and bringing us into your presence. Though we fall short of your dreams, you think well of us, and you know us better than anyone. So, we trust you, we feel safe in you.
Forgive us when we cause others to feel unsafe, for when we create mistrust. Forgive for insisting on our own way, for cheating by not telling the whole truth. Forgive when we discount the legitimate needs of others. Remind us that we’re all pretty much the same inside. Hear now our silent prayers. (Silence)
We pray that we may be advocates of justice for those oppressed. Make us good stewards of the earth, of water and air. May we be humble yet earnest evangelists to those who do not know you. We pray for the poor and those without work. For the sick and those in need of healing. For those who are sad over being separated from loved ones through death, or divorce, or family disagreements. We remember your promise to comfort those who mourn. Hear now our silent prayers. (Silence)
Make us strong in you that we may serve you with enthusiasm, in singleness of heart. Reinforce our undying love for you in Christ Jesus, born of Mary, the One who still teaches us to pray together…“Our Father who art in heaven…
“We Trust You”
Loving God, thank you for being who you are. We lift up our eyes to you from whom our help comes, to you who made heaven and earth. You keep us from all evil. You watch over our going out and our coming in. We have our grounding in you. We live in your shelter. We abide in your shadow. Thank you for the good things you do for us. Thank you for loving us no matter what. Thank you for helping us trust you.
We believe. Please forgive our unbelief. Forgive us when we take your generous gift of faith and turn it into little faith. Forgive us when we doubt you, and focus on the darkness. Hear now our silent confessions. (Silence) Prepare us in this Advent season to receive the gift of your Christ child that his hope and his peace may live in our hearts.
Hear our prayers for those who are ill, for those who grieve, for those who don’t know how they’re going to pay their bills, for the lonely, and the alienated, and those trying to forgive. We hold up to you silently now those in need. (Silence)
We trust you, God, with the most private parts of our lives. We place in your hands those most dear because we know they are safe, and you are always working for good. Hear our prayers, in the name of Jesus Christ, the One who still teaches us to pray together…

“Cheer Our Spirits”
Emmanuel, God with us, we come to worship you! We rejoice because of the great things you have done! We praise you for cheering our spirits, for dispersing the gloomy clouds of our nights! you bring us light and life. No one is like you!
Thank you for all you give us that is good, and right, and true. We’re so glad you have come and promise never to leave. Thank you for making yourself known in the Christ child, the Prince of Peace, and bringing us into your presence. Though we fall short of your dreams, you think well of us, and you know us better than anyone. So we trust you, we feel safe in you.
Forgive us when we cause others to feel unsafe, for when we create mistrust. Forgive for insisting on our own way, for cheating by not telling the whole truth. Forgive when we discount the legitimate needs of others. Remind us that we’re all pretty much the same inside. Hear now our silent prayers. (Silence)
We pray that we may be advocates of justice for those oppressed. Make us good stewards of the earth, taking care of water and air. May we be humble yet earnest evangelists to those who do not know you. We pray for the poor and those without work. For the sick and those in need of healing. For those who are sad over being separated from loved ones through death, or divorce, or family disagreements. We remember your promise to comfort those who mourn. Hear now our silent prayers. (Silence)
Make us strong in you that we may serve you with enthusiasm, in singleness of heart. Reinforce our undying love for you in Christ Jesus, born of Mary, the One who still teaches us to pray together…“Our Father who art in heaven…
“Stronger Than We Know”
Glorious and blessed God, maker of heaven and earth and sea and sky and all that is in them, we come into your presence with thanksgiving and praise. We worship you with gladness. Thank you for the good news of great joy in the Christ child of Bethlehem. Because he is with us, we are not afraid!
Thank you for the gift of your grace in this season and all year long. For daily health and security. For friends and loved ones. For newborn babies and the laughter of children at play. For the companionship of our pets. Thank you for watching over our sleep and dreams, always guarding our minds and hearts. Thank you for making us strong in ways we did not know we could be strong, and for helping us endure what must be endured, with patience.
Thank you for your forgiveness when we make poor decisions, when we accuse someone falsely, or thoughtlessly criticize those we do not understand. Forgive when we forget the poor, those who are sick or in prison or oppressed, those whose hearts are broken. Please understand when our disappointment in you causes us to lose hope. Hear now our silent prayers of confession. (Silence)
Thank you for your faithful love, and for your advent among us once more. We worship you. In your presence, Emmanuel, we find fullness of joy, and because you are with us, we are not afraid! We offer these prayers in the name of Jesus in whom we find our true rest, and who still teaches us to pray together…“Our Father who art in heaven…