Lent: Host an Agape Feast
The love (agape) feast is a meal of Christian fellowship that mirrors the meals Jesus shared with his disciples and others throughout his ministry. Fellowship and community are celebrated around the theme of a meal.
The love feast should not be confused with Holy Communion, but it is similar in some ways. Hold your love feast around a common table with a full banquet of finger foods in various baskets. Have a common cup or pitcher of juice, lemonade, tea, or other beverage. Distribute the food by passing around the baskets and the pitcher.
While the food is being passed, have volunteers read aloud Scripture passages about meals or banquets:
- Luke 9:12-17, Jesus feeds the multitudes
- Luke 14:16-24, the parable of the great dinner
- John 6:25-35, Jesus is the bread of life
Sing hymns or praise songs and share testimonies.
When everyone has been served, have a time of community prayers. Pray for the needs of your group, the needs of your community, your world, and so on. Open the prayer so that everyone gets a chance to pray. Use this time to celebrate and unify the group.