Worship Elements: February 25, 2024

January 9th, 2021

Second Sunday in Lent

Color: Purple
Scripture Readings: Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16; Psalm 22:23-31; Romans 4:13-25; Mark 8:31-38

Theme Ideas

No matter what our situation or station in life, God calls us to fulfill our purpose in God’s plan. Abram was ninety-nine years old when God revealed his place in God’s scheme. God deemed Abram a righteous man, as Paul tells us, because of the patriarch’s faith. So it is with us. As Paul goes on to say, we are held righteous not because of our works but because of our faith in Christ. This is God’s covenant with us, a promise that God will fulfill.

Call to Worship (Mark 8)

Let us turn our minds from human things.
Our faith in Jesus saves us.
Let us set our minds on divine things.
Our faith in Jesus saves us.
We will deny ourselves and take up our cross.
Our faith in Jesus saves us.
We will lose all; that we may gain all.
Our faith in Jesus saves us.

Call to Worship (Romans 4)

Hear of God’s promise.
The promise rests on grace.
God gives life to the dead.
The promise rests on grace
God calls into being things that did not exist.
The promise rests on grace.
God came to us through Jesus.
The promise rests on grace.
Jesus died and rose again to save us.
God’s grace comes to us through our faith.

Contemporary Gathering Words (Psalm 22)

God hears when we cry out.
We wail like babies.
God feeds the poor and they are satisfied.
We are hungry.
God is awesome.
Praise God’s holy name!

Praise Sentences (Psalm 22)

All honor and glory to you, O God,
your mercy knows no limit,
and your love knows no depth.
You hold out your hand and the afflicted are healed,
and the poor are fed.
Your benevolence is steadfast,
and your promise is sure
from generation to generation.

Opening Prayer (Genesis 1)

God of Abraham our father, God of Sarah our mother,
we remember with gratitude your covenant
that undergirds our lives with certainty
and gives us peace.
Through the gift of your Son,
you freed us from sin and death.

Opening Prayer (Mark 8)

God, you have given us everything.
What can we give in return for our lives?
Be our guide on our Lenten journey.
Help us to deny ourselves,
pick up our cross and follow Jesus.
We welcome the chastening direction in our lives
as we worship you today.

Prayer of Confession (Mark 8)

Merciful God,
we confess that our sin turns us from you
again and again.
We are a sinful generation
longing for your mercy.
We want not only to save our lives,
but to gain the whole world as well.
We are too often ashamed to show our faith
to the world around us.
Have mercy on us. Amen.

Words of Assurance (Romans 4)

If we rely upon the law of God,
we are beyond hope.
But in God’s mercy we are declared righteous
through our faith in Jesus, who died for our sins.

Benediction (Psalm 22)

Go in God’s grace.
May peace reign in your hearts forever!

Benediction (Genesis 17)

God’s promises endure from generation to generation.
May the God of Abraham and Sarah,
the God who sent Jesus to redeem us,
the God whose covenant is eternal,
bless you and make you fruitful.

From “The Abingdon Worship Annual” edited by Mary J. Scifres and B.J. Beu, Copyright © Abingdon Press. 

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