Worship Elements: October 13, 2024

21st Sunday after Pentecost
COLOR: Green
SCRIPTURE READINGS: Job 23:1-9, 16-17; Psalm 22:1-15; Hebrews 4:12-16; Mark 10:17-31
Psalm 22 is so commonly associated with Jesus’ torment on Good Friday that it seems unworthy to be applied to our own lives. Yet, the psalm speaks of the suffering and emptiness that so many feel in times of unimaginable sorrow— the death of a child, the devastation of a hurricane, the anguish of a loved one away at war. There is power in acknowledging this suffering and the church’s response to it. We are not called to explain life’s hardships; rather, like Job, we are called to seek God’s presence with us in their midst. The Hebrews text reassures us that Jesus is with us in times of trial because he himself endured such trials for our sake. Mark reminds us that when we question God’s intentions for us, it is often our own choices that turn us away from God—choosing money, family, or security over God’s will for our lives.
Call to Worship (Hebrews 4, Mark 10)
The kingdom of God is at hand.
We want to enter this kingdom.
The mercy of God is made known.
We want to receive this mercy.
The grace of God is abundant for all.
We praise you, O God, for your compassion
and your love. Accept our grateful praise
as we come to worship you today.
Opening Prayer (Job 23, Hebrews 4)
Almighty God,
we long to rest
in your gentle arms.
We need your compassion
as we face the challenges
and disappointments of life.
When our hearts are hard,
and our concern is only for ourselves,
turn us back to you.
Remind us of your saving love
and keep us close to you, Lord.
Love us as only you can love,
in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Prayer of Confession (Psalm 22, Job 23, Mark 10)
we look for you
in the wrong places.
We put our trust
in material things.
We worry about things
we cannot change.
We wonder
if you are even there at all.
For all the times
we have doubted you, Lord,
forgive us.
For all the ways
we have neglected your word
and ignored your people,
forgive us.
Do not be far from us, Lord.
There is no one else
we can turn to for help.
Renew our fickle hearts
and help us put our trust in you.
Words of Assurance (Psalm 22, Hebrews 4)
There is no wrong
that God cannot make right.
There is no chasm
that can separate us
from God’s love.
The Lord is patient and kind,
generous and good.
God will not forsake you
or leave you.
Turn to the Lord with confidence
and put your faith in God’s great mercy.
By the power of Jesus Christ,
we are made whole. Amen.
Passing the Peace of Christ (Mark 10)
In Christ we are mothers and fathers and brothers and sisters to one another. As members of God’s family, let us share God’s peace with one another.
Response to the Word (Job 23, Hebrews 4)
Mighty Lord,
help us look for you
in the north and in the south,
in our homes and in our workplaces,
in our families and in our relationships.
May we never stop pursuing your truth.
Assure us with your word
that you are with us wherever we go,
in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Invitation to Communion (Mark 10)
In this meal, Christ fills the hungry. All are welcome—rich and poor, old and young, healthy and sick. You, who long to taste heaven’s goodness, come. Come to our Lord’s table and be fed.
Offering Prayer (Mark 10)
With open hands and thankful hearts,
we offer to you all that is already yours, O Lord.
Everything we possess is a gift from you.
You so freely give us what we need,
and you promise even greater treasures
that await us in heaven.
Take what we offer
and use it for the goodness of your kingdom.
Help us share generously with others
all that you so graciously give to us. Amen.
Benediction (Mark 10, Hebrews 4)
With God all things are possible.
May you carry that confidence
into your daily life and work,
as you walk in Christ’s footsteps,
guided by God’s hand.
Contemporary Gathering Words (Hebrews 4)
In God’s mercy, we are rich.
In Jesus’ love, we are welcomed.
In the Spirit’s peace, we are satisfied.
Come; let us worship our savior and our king!
Praise Sentences (Mark 10)
With you, O Lord, all things are possible.
We bless you and praise your name forever.
In you, O Lord, we find our home.
We bless you and praise your name forever.
Through you, O Lord, we are made one in Christ.
We bless you and praise you, O Christ,
for your saving love.
From “The Abingdon Worship Annual” edited by Mary J. Scifres and B.J. Beu, Copyright © Abingdon Press.