Worship Elements: November 17, 2024

26th Sunday after Pentecost
COLOR: Green
SCRIPTURE READINGS: 1 Samuel 1:4-20; 2:1-10 (or Psalm 113); Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25; Mark 13:1-8
Today’s pre-Advent readings foreshadow the prophetic warnings and hope that come with the early readings in Advent. Mary’s Magnificat closely mirrors Hannah’s song of praise (1 Samuel 2:1-10). Together, these women celebrate the miracle of life—springing forth, and overcoming despair and fear. Hope wins the day, as barrenness is banished and fertile ground is found (1 Samuel 1). Hope wins the day, as the hungry are fed with abundance, and the poor are raised up to seats of honor (1 Samuel 2). Hope wins the day, as sins are forgiven through Christ’s grace (Hebrews 10). Hope wins the day, as Jesus becomes the cornerstone that never fails (Mark 13). Hope is the gift that sustains us through days of darkness and times of waiting.
Call to Worship (1 Samuel 2, Mark 13)
Let our hearts rejoice in the God of hope and faithfulness.
Our strength is in the maker of heaven and earth.
Our foundation is the cornerstone that never fails.
The rock of ages is a foundation like no other.
Hope arises, as the tools of war are broken
and the weak are given strength.
Hope lives when the hungry are fed
and the poor are lifted up.
God comes bringing judgment to the ends of the earth,
calling us to hope and faithfulness.
Come, rock of ages, come quickly now.
Opening Prayer (1 Samuel 1)
God of possibilities,
fill us with your hope and faithfulness.
Listen to us
as we pour out our souls before you.
Grant us the grace to be your people
and to live your teachings.
Live in us,
that we may arise with hope
and walk in love.
In the name of Christ our rock,
we pray. Amen.
Call to Confession (Hebrews 10)
By a single offering, Christ has perfected us for all time. Let us approach this time of confession with true hearts, in full assurance that Christ’s mercy is strong enough to bear all of our burdens.
Prayer of Confession (1 Samuel 1)
Merciful God,
look upon us,
your servants gathered here,
with grace and compassion.
Hear our every need.
Speak to our fearful hearts,
that we may pour out our confessions
and admit our wrongdoings.
(Silent prayer)
Loving God,
you have heard our anxieties,
our vexations, our worries,
our hopes, our dreams.
Breathe in us the spirit of forgiveness,
that we may receive your grace,
and may walk in freedom
and glorious hope.
In Christ’s name, we pray. Amen.
Words of Assurance (Hebrews 10)
Hold fast to the confession of our hope without wavering,
for our God, the God of all ages,
the one who has promised forgiveness,
is faithful!
In the name of Christ, you are forgiven!
Passing the Peace of Christ (Hebrews 10)
Let us share together the peace of Christ, encouraging one another in love and goodness.
Prayers of the People (1 Samuel 2)
For leaders and those in power,
that they might walk in your ways of love . . .
God of all hopefulness,
remember your people.
For people who are weak and in need,
that they might feel the strength of your compassion . . .
God of all hopefulness,
remember your people.
For those who are hungry or poor,
that they might find abundance in our generosity . . .
God of all hopefulness,
remember your people.
For those who are downtrodden or dispirited,
that they might be lifted up with arms of hope . . .
God of all hopefulness,
remember your people.
For the Church and all who call upon your name,
that we might be found faithful . . .
God of all hopefulness,
remember your people.
For all who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
that your kingdom might come,
your will be done, today and forevermore . . .
God of all hopefulness,
remember your people.
Amen and amen.
Invitation to the Offering (1 Samuel 1, Hebrews 10)
Hannah offered the life of her much-awaited son, that she might honor and glorify God. Jesus offered his very life, that we might know God’s love fully and completely. As we offer our gifts to God, let us do so with the same generosity of spirit that has been shown to us in so many ways.
Offering Prayer (1 Samuel 2)
God of all hopefulness,
strengthen us this day
to live in hope and gratitude.
Give us the courage
to live as people of generosity.
Multiply our gifts,
that the hungry might be fed
and the poor might find abundance.
In Christ’s name, we pray. Amen.
Benediction (Hebrews 10, Mark 13)
Go in peace, encouraging one another in love,
and looking with hope for the kingdom of God.
Contemporary Gathering Words (1 Samuel 2, Hebrews 10)
There is no holy one like God above.
There is no rock like our God.
There is no hope like the hope of God’s strength for us.
There is no hope like our God.
There is no promise like the promise of Christ’s mercy
and grace.
There is no promise like our God.
There is no love as great as the love God offers today
and all days.
There is no love like our God!
Praise Sentences (1 Samuel 2)
Rejoice in the Lord!
Find strength in God’s promised love and hope!
Rejoice in the Lord!
Rejoice in the Lord!
Adapted from The Abingdon Worship Annual 2009, © 2008 Abingdon Press
The Abingdon Worship Annual 2013 is available now.