Worship Connection: Christmas Eve (Option 2)

Christmas Eve
Color: White or Gold
Scripture Readings: Isaiah 9:2-7; Psalm 96; Titus 2:11-14; Luke 2:1-20
Call to Worship #1
L: It’s Christmas Eve! How quickly this time has come upon us!
P: We are breathless. Still so much to be done.
L: Calm your spirits. Take time to hear the wondrous news.
P: Open our ears to hear Mary’s Story
L: Believe in the good news!
P: We believe and rejoice! God’s love is here with us! AMEN.
Call to Worship #2
L: All through this season of Advent, we have encountered Hope, Peace and Joy and Love
P: Today we will hear the story of God's wonderful love.
L: Today we will be challenged to believe in all that God can do.
P: Open our hearts, Lord, that we may be ready for your love. AMEN.
Call to Worship #3
[Using THE FAITH WE SING, p. 2095, "Star-Child", have the music sung as directed below]
L: Through time and space, in the blink of the eye, the love of God stretched forth in the life of a young girl, asking that she be part of God’s great plan of Salvation.
P: Her name was Mary. She was not of wealth or power. She was a person, just like you and me.
Soloist: Sing verse 1 of "Star-child"
L: The Good News came first to the lowly.
P: Even today, we believe that good news often comes only to the mighty. How wrong we are!
Duet/solo: sing verse 2 of "Star-Child"
L: In a world where hatred and fear was commonplace, the Christ Child would be born.
P: Fear and Hatred are far too commonplace in our world. May the Christ Child come anew into our hearts today.
Choir: sing verse 5 of "Star-Child"
Opening Prayer
Lord, remind us that, like Mary, each one of us is a bearer of your Good News. We are called to proclaim hope, peace, joy, and love in your name. Open our hearts and our spirits today to receive with great joy the love that you have for us. For we ask this in Jesus’ Name. AMEN.
Prayer of Confession
Lord, we are so excited. Christmas Eve is here. We are impatient to hear the whole story. Slow us down again, Lord. As we hear Mary say "Yes!" to God’s good news, help us to remember that God continually calls us to be those who will bear the good news to those in need. Forgive us when we forget to do that. Heal our wounds and bind up our spirits. Enable us to go into your world offering our lives, our gifts, our talents, for your glory. In Jesus’ Name, we pray. AMEN.
Words of Assurance
God’s love and faithfulness have been at work in you. You are healed and forgiven. Rejoice in God’s love. AMEN.
Pastoral Prayer
Lord, we can’t quite imagine what it must have been like for Mary, to hear God’s request and to respond, unconditionally with "Yes!" We have a tendency to put conditions on everything. We want to know what we have to do, how long this will take, what’s in it for us, what are the projected outcomes. Forgive us for our faithlessness, Lord. Slow us down, and cause us to take time to really consider the wonderful ways you have always worked in our lives. As we have come before you with concerns on our hearts for our families, friends, and world, remind us that your presence is with us and your healing love comforts and restores us. Open our hearts and our ears to the cries of those in need. Let us use our talents and resources to help others. Give us courage, energy, and enthusiasm as we work for you in this world. We ask this in Jesus’ Name. AMEN.
L: God promised to save God’s world.
P: And the people believed.
L: God sent the prophets to remind them of the covenant of trust and love.
P: And the people believed.
L: In the fullness of time, God’s promise became incarnate in the life of Mary.
P: Mary and Joseph believed.
L: Those who were the least and the lost received good news.
P: And they believed.
L: We are called to open our hearts, spirits, and minds to God’s Good News
P: That, believing, we may be witnesses to God’s great love. AMEN.
God asks us if we will be God’s people. Our hearts want to shout yes! Go into the world, feeling God’s healing presence in your lives. Tell others about God’s love. Do not be afraid! God is truly with you. AMEN.