Worship Elements: March 13, 2022
Second Sunday in Lent
COLOR: Purple
SCRIPTURE READINGS: Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18; Psalm 27; Philippians 3:17–4:1; Luke 13:31-35
Today’s Scripture readings remind us of the enduring faithfulness of God. If only our faith were strong enough to trust God every moment! Through the Scriptures, we discover that God stays with us even in our doubt. Be inspired by these striking images of comfort: the Lord protects me (Psalm 27); Jesus seeks to gather us under his wings (Luke 13). Through the coming of Jesus Christ, we
know firsthand the power of God’s kept promises!
Call to Worship (Genesis 15, Psalm 27, Luke 13)
Wait for the Lord; be strong!
The promises of God will never be broken.
With God as our light, what is there to fear?
The promises of God will never be broken.
Blessed is the one who comes in the name
of the Lord!
The promises of God will never be broken.
Opening Prayer (Genesis 15, Psalm 27, Philippians 3)
God of promises fulfilled,
we gather as descendants of Abraham;
we stand before you
as faithful testimony to your covenant;
we assemble as living proof
that your love for humanity
knows no limits.
When we feel overwhelmed
by the stresses of daily life,
we need only look at the stars in the sky
to remember your abiding faithfulness.
When we are overcome with despair
by the pain of war and poverty in our world,
we need only see the light of a single candle
to remember the one you sent
as our light, our strength, and our salvation.
We pray now in the name of that light,
Jesus Christ. Amen.
Prayer of Confession (Genesis 15, Psalm 27)
Eternal God,
we are quick to join
Abram’s doubt and impatience,
but we find it difficult to copy
Abraham’s faith and trust.
We want to believe your promises,
but the here-and-now problems of daily life
consume our focus
and erode our faith.
Open our eyes to your light.
Open our hearts to your love.
Open our minds to your possibilities.
Speak to us today, O God,
and strengthen our faith,
that we, too, may know
the everlasting power of your love.
Words of Assurance (Psalm 27)
When God is with us, whom shall we fear?
The God of salvation will never forsake you.
God’s patience knows no limits.
Wait for the Lord.
Be strong and take heart.
Response to the Word (Psalm 27, Luke 13)
(Use this as a responsive reading in the bulletin, or have eight
readers in the midst of the congregation each speak one of the
bolded attributes of the proper noun that the worship leader
speaks. Allow plenty of time between each word.)
shining, burning, beacon, warmth, glowing, showing,
salvation, love.
stronghold, fortress, foundation, strength, protection,
redeemer, salvation, love.
mother, parent, safety, care, protection, nurture,
salvation, love.
prophet, blessing, transformer, promise, fulfillment,
savior, salvation, love.
Offering Prayer (Genesis 15, Luke 13)
Faithful God,
you have kept your promises to us.
Our lives give witness
to your abundant blessings.
May we faithfully keep
our promises to you.
Strengthen our commitment
to live as true disciples of Jesus Christ.
Your love sustains us,
guides us, and empowers us.
Take these gifts as signs of our promise
to give ourselves completely into your care—
to live without fear;
to trust your love without reservation. Amen.
Prayer after Communion (Genesis 15, Philippians 3)
Dear God,
we give thanks for your promised care.
In the sharing of this meal,
we participate in the fulfillment
of your greatest promise.
We celebrate our kinship
with your Son, Jesus Christ,
made known to us
in the breaking of the bread of life
and the sharing of the cup of salvation.
May your Holy Spirit strengthen us,
that we may go into the world
to imitate Christ and live as witnesses
of your promised love. Amen.
Go in the love of God,
whose promises are never broken.
We go in the light of Christ,
whose love transforms us.
Go in the power of the Holy Spirit,
whose fire sustains and encourages us.
We go now into the world as witnesses
of God’s love, light, and power.
Contemporary Gathering Words (Psalm 27)
Light, space, zest—that’s God!
With God on our side, we’re fearless,
afraid of no one and nothing.
Come on in—we’re in God’s place!
We’re ready to offer anthems and songs
that will raise the roof!
Let’s join in making music to God.
We want to sing God-songs!
Praise Sentences (Philippians 3)
Brothers and sisters, Christ is our example.
Christ is our life.
Brothers and sisters, Christ is our salvation.
Christ is our savior.
Brothers and sisters, Christ is the Lord.
Christ is the Lord!
From The Abingdon Worship Annual edited by Mary J. Scifres and B.J. Beu, Copyright © Abingdon Press.