Volunteer Prayer Teams for Worship

How many times have we considered a Prayer Team but weren't sure what the group would do? Consider discussing the suggestions below with those who have volunteered to be part of this ministry.
Suggestions When Serving on a Prayer Team
1. Before the worship service begins, the prayer team members have a word of prayer with each other and discuss their pattern of praying with others.
2. In more formal healing services, especially if there are several prayer teams, the pastor or another worship leader may invite the prayer teams to come forward for a commissioning prayer, inviting the Holy Spirit to bless and anoint each one on behalf of the gathered congregation.
3. Memorize and practice this team pattern called L–A–P (adapted from Wagner, An Adventure in Healing and Wholeness, 139–40):
Listen (L): Listen to the prayer request. Ask each one who comes to your prayer station: Do you have a special prayer concern today? —Or— What would you like for us to pray about right now?
Anoint (A): Anoint the forehead with oil making the sign of the cross. You may use a thumb or forefinger. The traditional anointing pattern is to pray to God, the Father, through the Son, in the Holy Spirit. Others may feel more inclined to pray by simply addressing Jesus. Then each one on the team gently touches the one who came forward with the laying on of hands. Sample invocations: “I anoint you in the Name of God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, let us pray …” “I anoint you in the Name of Jesus, let us pray …”
Pray (P): Pray with the person who has been anointed with oil. The prayer partner who listened to the prayer request offers a brief, audible prayer. Everyone on the team is in an attitude of focused faith, compassion, and prayer.
Additional Considerations When Praying with Others
• Be brief in public prayer ministry. It is not necessary to have lengthy prayers or to rehearse the details of the problem to God who already knows.
• Confidentiality is a must. Keep all revealed personal issues and problems at the altar or prayer station.
• Those who come for prayer with complicated personal issues may be open to counseling and continuing prayer ministry after the healing service ends. Offer a brief prayer and then suggest that the person remain at the close of the service for further ministry or to make an appointment with the pastor to return at another time. This is a courtesy to the congregation and gives a helpful option to those who desire additional help.
• Team members who want personal prayers for healing and wholeness will pray with one another after ministering to the congregation (adapted from Wagner, An Adventure in Healing and Wholeness, 140).
Our goal is to concentrate on the presence of the healing Christ, to focus on the problem solver, rather than on the problem. We want to be more intentional in using spiritual therapy in the healing process.
“As Archbishop Richard C. Trent said, ‘We must not conceive prayer as an overcoming of God’s reluctance, but a laying hold of [God’s] highest willingness’ ” (James K. Wagner, Blessed to be a Blessing, [Nashville: Upper Room Books, 1980], 58).
excerpted from: Just in Time! Healing Services by James K. Wagner ©2007 Abingdon Press.
Used with permission. The Just in Time! Series includes several books which we've included in a Ministry Matters Premium Subscription, or you can order the print book below.