Increase Worship Attendance & Bear More Fruit

All churches seek to experience the promise of Jesus that those “who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit” (John 15:4-5). In Bearing Fruit: Ministry with Real Results, we illustrated how focusing on results or fruits of ministry shapes how we carry out ministry. We provided a procedure to ensure you are clear about the fruit that God is calling a ministry to produce. The key to this practice is two words: so that. The task is to complete this sentence, “We will do x so that y happens.”i
Nowhere is the challenge of fruitfulness more important than in helping increasing numbers of people experience God through worship. It is the challenge of worship attendance to which we seek in this book to apply the lessons of fruitfulness. As we encourage others to do, we developed a “so that” statement for this book.
We have written this book so that congregational leaders learn strategic clues regarding worship attendance that they can tailor to their situations and implement, resulting in more people becoming and growing as Christian disciples through increased participation in vital and life-changing worship.
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excerpt from: Overflow: Increase Worship Attendance & Bear More Fruit by Lovett H. Weems, Jr. and Tom Berlin Copyright©2013 by Abingdon Press. Used with permission.