WordAlive! Weekly Lectionary Bulletins

September 22nd, 2013

Are you looking for weekly lectionary worship bulletins?

WordAlive! Weekly Church Bulletins are the ideal combination of powerful images and insightful Scripture designed to stimulate prayer and reflection and invite your congregation to reach a deeper understanding of the Scripture lessons throughout the Christian Year. This service includes bulletins for special Sundays, such as Christmas and Mother's Day. Subscription can start at any time.

WordAlive! bulletins follow the Christian Year, coordinating the weekly worship theme and Scripture with breathtaking photography and artwork that capture the essence of each season and special day throughout the year (52 bulletins).

New subscribers receive the first quarter free!

5  Reasons to Subscribe:

A Great Value—even a small congregation can enjoy a beautiful new full-color bulletin each week

Available in 2 Sizesregular bulletins are letter size 8 1/2" X 11" (purchase in 25 for $2.75, 50 for $3.50, 100 for $5.75); and large bulletins are 8 1/2" X 14" (purchase in 25 for $3.25, 50 for $4.00, 100 for $6.25)

Excellent Quality—bulletins are made of recyclable 60-lb. paper to reduce show through

Large-Type Devotional Message: A Free Option—a large-type devotional message is available on regular letter-size WordAlive! bulletins at no extra charge

Easy to Order—email Subscription Services or call 1-615-749-6036, and you can start your subscription at any time-no need to wait for the beginning of a quarter!

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