Encourage Your Heart

February 29th, 2012

Do you have deep disappointments that weigh heavily in your heart? Are you feeling the deep pain and sting of suffering a great loss? Take comfort, my friend. You don’t have to wait for others to speak the encouraging words you long to hear. You can speak over yourself like David did in the Old Testament.

First Samuel 30:1-6 tells us that David and his troops returned home to Ziklag only to find everything they held dear completely wiped out by the Amalekites. When they found their homes smoldering in ruins and their loved ones gone, the Bible says these mighty men wept until they had no more power to weep. David had to endure the threat of his own troops turning against him in the wake of their grief. In spite of it all, the Bible tells us that “David encouraged himself in the Lord his God” (1 Samuel 30:6 KJV).

Though the enemy may attack us by stealth, doing his best to hit us hard and unexpectedly, hoping his wicked scheme of discouragement and depression will pull us under, we only need to stand in faith and remember—God has already gone before us and paved the way to victory. God is working all things together for our good—because we love Him and are “called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28b NIV). Encourage yourself by looking back and reviewing your history with God. Reflect on the storms God has brought you through, recalling His faithfulness. Then remember and meditate on the promises of God. A great way to meditate on God’s word is through self-talk, which is talking to yourself concerning your situation—rehearsing God’s promises, not your problems. Keeping your mind on the Lord will cause you to be encouraged, productive, and fruitful.

excerpt from: Seven Promises for Every Woman (from Embraced By God) by Babbie Mason Copyright©2012 by Abingdon Press. Used with permission.

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