Spiritual Gifts: Discovering and Using

How do you help people discover and use their spiritual gifts?
Ministry Matters has a spiritual gifts discovery tool drawn from the small group study Serving from the Heart by Carol Cartmill and Yvonne Gentile. The 85 question assessment can be taken by your small group or your entire church click here. Planning a study like Serving from the Heart in your church will help people know where their giftedness is and then you can assist them in using their gifts in your church and community.
It is important to emphasize that spiritual gifts can be used in a variety of settings.
We can use our spiritual gifts to minister to colleagues, clients, even at school through our daily interactions. Our spiritual gifts are always a part of who we are and the way we live our faith in day to day life, not just in church.
If your people have spiritual gifts not being used right now, perhaps God is calling your church to start a new ministry? Be sure to discuss this with your pastor.
Helping people discover and use their spiritual gifts both in your church and community is very rewarding, for people new to the Christian faith this can be a great affirmation of what God is doing in their lives.
Once you've completed the Spiritual Gifts Discovery Tool use the links below to find articles and resources to help explore your gifts further:
The Gift of Distinguishing of Spirits
The Gift of Message (of Knowledge)
The Gift of Message (of Wisdom)
Order information on Serving from the Heart is listed at the top of this article under Featured Resources. The online survey is printed within the participant's workbook, it is copyrighted material and may not be copied.