Review: CEB Study Bible
I have to admit when I learned that a new translation of the Bible was in the works, I looked up at the shelf of Bibles I’ve accumulated over more than 30 years of ministry and thought, “The last thing I need is another Bible.” And now, months later, I have one CEB Study Bible on my desk at my church office and another on my desk in my study at home. It has become the primary resource for me in preparation for Bible studies and for sermon writing as well.
The CEB Study Bible is both scholarly in its presentation and wonderfully practical for those of us serving in the local church. The translation itself is refreshingly modern and authentic. I’m grateful for the introductory material at the beginning of each book of the Bible. The footnotes are incredibly insightful and helpful. But I especially enjoy reading the sidebar articles, which take the reader to new discoveries about the use Biblical terminology, Biblical timelines and charts. I highly recommend the CEB Study Bible for all who are serious about Biblical study and for all who serve in the local churches.