Worship Connection: April 19, 2020

March 3rd, 2020

Second Sunday of Easter

COLOR: White
SCRIPTURE READINGS: Acts 2:14a, 22-32; Psalm 16; 1 Peter 1:3-9; John 20:19-31

Call to Worship #1

L: The joy of the resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ is with us.
P: We rejoice in the blessing God has poured into our lives.
L: Even though we hear words of doubt, we are called to believe.
P: Even though the world would draw us back again into darkness, we focus on the Light.
L: Thanks be to Christ who gives us the victory
P: Alleluia! Amen.

Call to Worship #2

L: Sometimes the news we receive is so good we have a hard time believing it.
P: That's true. Too often we are skeptical about positive happenings.
L: We're like Jesus' disciple, Thomas, who doubted the resurrection.
P: Actually we understand how he felt. It is hard to believe.
L: That's just where faith comes in - believing where we have not seen.
P: May God open our hearts and our spirits to receive with confidence the good news of Easter.

Call to Worship #3

L: Rejoice, friends, for the Lord has called us here.
P: We come joyfully, for we have heard the good news of Jesus' resurrection.
L: Open your spirits to receive all God's blessings.
P: May God shower blessings upon us so that we may in turn bless God by our service.
L: Alleluia!
P: Allelulia!

Call to Worship #4

L: What a great day this is!
P: It is a joy to be here today!
L: Jesus Christ is risen and is among us!
P: Praise God for the glorious gift of God's Son! 



Generous God, we thank you for your presence with us in all our lives. As we gather this morning we are reminded of the many times we have doubted and feared. Today banish our fears with the memory of the resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ. Remind us again that through all our troubles, doubts, and fears, your power, mercy and love are with us. Amen.


Even though we have come through the joy of Easter and the triumphant Easter songs, yet we doubt, Lord. Like Thomas who walked the Judean countryside with Jesus, we still have trouble believing in the resurrection of Jesus. We easily slip back into the darkness of doubts. We move the joy of Easter into the past and continue in a downward path to confusion. Shine your bright light of joy upon us. Lighten our dark path. Help us to believe, even though we have not seen you, touched your hands and side. Help us to proclaim Jesus as our Lord and Savior. Amen.


Do not fear, dear friends. Jesus is among us, offering us new life and hope. Nothing can prevent God's love for us. Rejoice, for you have been made new in Christ. Amen.


Gracious God, who has always promised to be with us: Give us the depth of faith and hope that does not depend on proof, that we may offer your love and hope to others who feel as though they dwell in deep darkness, for it is in the name of the Risen Christ that we pray. Amen.


Lord, we offer to you this day, token of our lives and our substance. Take these lives and these gifts and cause them to work in this world which you have loaned us, for the healing and reconciliation of all people to you. Amen.


Surprising God, we come to Easter through the long Lenten journey in which you have called us to examine our inner lives. Then on Easter, it is as though we have been freed from our darkness to walk in the Light with you. However, Easter and its celebration so quickly slide into the past and we again are tempted to move back into our doubts and fears. Surprise us again, Lord, as Jesus surprised his disciple Thomas who feared and doubted. Remind us that the signs of Jesus' resurrection are all around us.

As we remember this day our dear friends who suffer from illness and loss, Lord, help us to be a presence of comfort for them; for those who are lost and alone, alienated from family and friends, we ask that you empower us to reach out in compassion, offering appropriate help that will lift them into new life with you; for all anywhere who are in situations of danger, war, and strife, we pray that your peace will be with them and that the warfare and dangers will be vanquished by your good news; for our community, our nation, Lord, we ask that you give to the leaders compassion and wisdom, remembering that their lives rest in your care. And for ourselves, we ask for the extra measure of faith so that as doubts arise, we may meet them with confidence, and emerge as strong witnesses to your love. In Christ's name, we offer this prayer. AMEN.


L: We've been in hiding for too long.
M: Perhaps we should open the doors of our lives to welcome whatever comes.
L: But suppose that destruction, fear, and death arrive at our door?
W: Jesus always said to us "Do not be afraid, I am with you."
All: Lord, help us to believe.
L: Why is it so difficult to believe?
M: We have been disappointed so many times.
L: Do we dare trust that this time will be different?
W: Everything is different when we trust in Jesus Christ.
All: Lord, help us to believe.
L: What will we do if we actually see the risen Lord?
M: Our fears will be banished and we will live in the truth of Christ.
L: What is the truth of Christ?
W: Christ has overcome the bonds of death. He is risen and goes before us. 
All: Lord, we believe; help our unbelief. Amen


L: Go from this place in peace and joy to serve the Lord.
P: We rejoice in the good news we have heard and go to serve God in all that we do.
L: May God's blessing continue in and through you to others
P: May God's love also pour into your heart this day and always. Amen


Traditional Color for the Season: White

WHITE FABRIC may be used on the worship center. "Puddling" the fabric is a very effective way to enhance the display.
CROSS: If you have a brass or wooden cross which you commonly use on the worship table, you may want to place it off center, either to the right or left, and drape it with a simple white strip of fabric.
CANDLES: A white pillar candle representing Jesus, and twelve smaller pillar candles or votive candles may be placed throughout the worship table setting. If you choose, the Christ candle may be on a tall candlestick or free-standing candle holder. It should be near the center of the worship table, if possible.
PLANTS/FLOWERS: If there are some plants left over from Easter, place them in front of the worship setting, preferably on the floor near the "puddled" white fabric, as an accent. Ivy, or ferns are attractive on the worship setting to add depth to the setting. The ferns should be placed behind the cross. Ivy may be intertwined between the candles. [Note: this is a reminder of the vine and branch analogy Jesus used with the disciples].
STONES: You may want to use small, polished stones near the candles to add texture to the display. [Being a disciple is a "rocky road" !] These stones are available in mesh bags as most craft stores, or if you are using stones from your yards or gardens, be sure to wash and dry them carefully before placing them on the white cloth.
[Note: if you are serving Communion on this Sunday and you commonly use the worship table as the site for the elements of bread and wine, make sure that ample room is provided in the display for these elements.]

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