Women against... women?
Feminism is pro-woman, unless you are a woman who isn’t a feminist. Then you are a woman marginalized and demeaned by a throng of “pro-woman” feminists.
This week on Twitter #WomenAgainstFeminism emerged among ladies expressing their disapproval of the anti-life, “War on Women” baggage that feminism has garnered since the days of the admirable woman’s rights movement that originated during the 1920s.
Ladies’ opinions included:
#WomenAgainstFeminism Because we are more than Our "Lady Parts"
— Beanfrompa (@BeanfromPa) July 21, 2014
#WomenAgainstFeminism because feminists demand that my earnings go towards paying their abortions and contraception.
— Suzanne Fortin (@Roseblue) July 22, 2014
#WomenAgainstFeminism because I celebrate the differences between men and women
— Jacki Barron (@PatriotJackiB) July 21, 2014
Intimidation is a powerful tool. A tidal wave of outrage soon emerged that was anything but pro-woman. Presumably from self-identifying feminist, attacks were launched insinuating (and many more flat out accusing) conservative, complementarian and even egalitarian women participating in #WomenAgainstFeminism of endorsing the abuse, objectification, and oppression of women.
Ladies supporting #WomenAgainstFeminism should give up their right to vote. It was a bunch of icky feminists who won that right anyway.
— shauna (@goldengateblond) July 22, 2014
the #WomenAgainstFeminism is literally people who honestly have no idea of what feminism really is, and how it is needed worldwide
— Kelsey☕️ (@gr8stgeneration) July 21, 2014
'Feminism is hated because women are hated. Anti-feminism is the political defense of woman hating' - Dworkin #WomenAgainstFeminism
— Laura in Oz (@LauraGeneM) July 22, 2014
Less direct criticisms emitted from within the Christian community. Self-described “Jesus Feminist” and author Sarah Bessey chimed in “Feminism is the ‘radical’ notion that women are people too.” A rather reductive definition, Bessey dismisses the politiczation of the women’s rights movement has erupted since the sexual revolution.
Obviously, the concerns women have with feminism range much deeper than the idea that we are people. It just takes an ear that is willing to listen, not condemn us, to understand where our displeasure with today’s feminist movement is rooted.
Notice that the conservative and complementarian Christian women did not state women are less valuable. This virtual discussion goes beyond our shared respect for women’s property rights, just treatment and independence. Instead, concerns revolved around the issues at the forefront of feminists’ public policy priorities, including the presumptions that we are single issue voters and only care about our “choice” to have an abortion and willingness to rally for tax-payer funded contraception regardless of potential infringements on religious freedom.
Instead of thinking deeply about their sisters’ hesitations and frustrations, feminist belittled all women who disagree with their worldview. To do this, feminists have dismissed non-feminist women as either (1) indoctrinated and brainwashed into upholding their convictions; (2) weak submissive types who turn a blind eye to another woman’s abuse; or (3) incapable of grasping the complexities of the feminist paradigm. Perhaps these ladies should reconsider how their harsh accusations and verbal attacks are counterproductive to empowering women.
As a once faithful feminist, I empathize with the roots of these harsh sentiments. But I shed the feminist mentality thanks to my mom, my grandmothers, aunts, and sisters. Admittedly, some of my female family members have experienced first-hand verbal, physical and sexual abuse at the hands of a men. Yet they demonstrate intelligence, compassion, independence, business savvy and determination to seek justice in a broken world without identifying as a feminist. That is because their liberation is not found in a politicized label that does little to further the women’s rights movement.
What I’ve come to learn from the female pioneers in my life is that my liberation is not found in a politics or Planned Parenthood. True liberation is found in Jesus Christ alone. This notion may be anti-feminist, but it is most certainly pro-woman.
This article originally appeared at Juicy Ecumenism and is cross-posted with permission.