5 keys to effective sermon preparation
Welcome to sermon preparation month! In August I am focusing both episodes on sermon preparation. This is the topic I have been hearing about the most and I am want to share some great content with you.
The List:
For a More Ordered Life, Organize like a Chef: Dan Charnas
In the world of cooking, the mise-en-place is a near sacred technique of chefs and line cooks of preparation. In this NPR article and sound bite, Dan shares how we can each incorporate these ideas into our own organization.
5 Reasons to take an Extended Preaching Break: Bobby Williams
Bobby shares his journey of over-preaching and the benefit of taking extended breaks from preaching at his church.
Using Evernote in Message Preparation: Bobby Wiliiams
Besides a Moleskine notebook, evernote is the tool I have heard more preachers refer to using. I use Evernote like crazy. Bobby shares how he sets up and uses Evernote to aid in his message preparation. This is a great beginners guide to using Evernote for preaching.
5 Keys to Effective Sermon Preparation
I remember when I first started preaching. There was no rhyme or reason to how I prepared. I just started typing with an empty document and hoped for the best. Later, I took a few notes from my Bible and started at least working with a basic idea in mind.
Over the last several years I have put a pretty good rhythm into place. These are five essential practices that I believe will help anyone’s sermon preparation.
1. Read.
That’s it. You have to be reading. Read many different types of writing; articles, magazines, the newpaper and online. Read books related or unrelated to ministry. You will be surprised how much material you begin building up in your head.
2. Have a holding tank.
Find a way to capture this information. I use Evernote and a Field Notes notebook. Between the two, I always have something with me. I organize evernote with three folders to keep me moving forward and specific notebooks and folders for sermons I am researching/writing and preparing. Here is a great read from over a 100 years ago about the benefit of keeping a preaching notebook: The Growing of a Sermon.
3. Have a preaching calendar.
This is the best way to stay ahead and make sure you are preaching the whole counsel of God. It also is a huge help to the folks who assist in worship.
Productive Pastor 17: Why You Need a Production Calendar
4. Ask others.
Asking other people what they need to hear from church and letting them in on the preparation and visioning part of sermon work will not only be a help to you, but teach others about the holy act of preaching and preparation.
5. Find/build and stick to a preparation rhythm.
This is one of the hardest, but most rewarding practices. Learning to get this built into your weekly schedule will transform your sermon preparation. It will keep you on task and getting done early in the week (no one likes to write a sermon on Saturday).
The Productive Pastor Episode 20:
My sermon planning worksheet
My favorite resources for modern preaching
On the next episode we will have John Chandler of Sermonsmith as our guest. He has interviewed dozens of preachers about their preparation process. It will be great.
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