Funeral Prayers for Special Circumstances
The Death Of A Child
We had so many hopes, so many fears, there has been so much joy, so much sorrow, and now all our words seem empty. What we want we cannot have; and what we thought was promised has been taken from us.
O God, do not let our pain turn to the bitterness that devours us and kills us. We thank you for all that was good. Help us to find peace in troubled times, and light in our darkness. These things we ask through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
One Who Has Died Suddenly
O God, we are stunned. We cannot take it in. It seems unreal and yet all too real. Save us from simply blaming ourselves and others; bear with us the pain of what has happened; and give us the healing of wounds that now run deep. We make our prayer through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
God of all time, this time seems wrong, too soon. Help us to believe that this time and all times are your time. On this day of grief speak your word of resurrection, that with N we may hear your voice and live. This we ask through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
One Who Has Died After A Dementia
Or Similar Conditions Loving God, we have seen this day from afar. For so many days N has seemed remote from us, and we have lost her as she seemed to lose us. Yet you have known us all, and you have kept us with her in your eternal love. Welcome home the one we mourn, the friend who became a stranger. Grant to her the recognition of your face and that life which never fades. These things we ask through Jesus Christ, your Son, our Lord, Amen.
Following A Natural Disaster
Where, O God, were you?
Did you not care? Have you hidden from us all hope and believing?
Our hearts and minds reel, our thoughts and speech outrun reason and we cry out in pain.
O God, where are you? Do not hide your face from us. Do not leave us without comfort or solace.
When we run to the ends of the earth, when we rage in the dark of the night,
meet us there, and grant us peace and hope enough to entrust N to you.
With all who suffer today we cry to you.
Lord, in your mercy:
Hear our prayer.
Prayers reprinted from In Sure and Certain Hope: Liturgies, Prayers and Readings for Funerals and Memorials by Paul Sheppy. Copyright 2005 by Abingdon Press. Used with permission.