God's pursuit

Spring is in full bloom, which means it is prom time for high school students. The word prom, originating from promenade, is defined by Dictionary.com as a march of guests into a ballroom. According to Time magazine, prom began in the 19th century as a coed banquet for college graduates. When our country began recognizing adolescence in the 1930s, high schools around the nation began holding proms as well. At that time proms were simply a dance in the gym with a few refreshments. During the 1950s, a thriving postwar economy allowed prom festivities to escalate, becoming a more elaborate event and moving from the school gym into banquet halls and country clubs. Today the average family spends anywhere from 900 to 1,000 dollars for a few hours of fun on prom night. Beyond the elegant dresses and expensive dinners, prom has become a significant milestone of romance and glamour.

The ‘Prom-posal’

Not only has prom become a more elegant event but also the actual invitation for the prom date has become increasingly extravagant and creative. In addition, social media has fueled competition related to prom invites. Just type in the word promposal on YouTube and more than 60,000 videos pop up. Teenagers are going to extraordinary lengths to win the hearts of their prom dates. Prom is one way teenagers feel adored and pursued. Similarly, God goes to great lengths to pursue us.

Throughout the centuries God has continually tried to woo the hearts of humanity. Scripture is loaded with examples of God pursuing a relationship with people. All through the Old Testament, the Lord relentlessly pursued the nation of Israel as well as individuals such as Abraham, Moses, and the prophets. In the New Testament, Jesus took initiative to win over the hearts of his disciples. Yet, God’s pursuit doesn’t happen only in Scripture; God still continually seeks to develop an intimate relationship with all of humanity. But how does God pursue us? Relentlessly, by never giving up; actively, by being with us all the time; and most importantly, through the person of Jesus Christ.

Question of the Day: What is the most creative way you have heard of a person being invited to prom?
Focal Scriptures: Romans 5:6-11; Hosea 2:14-16; 3:1-5; Psalm 23

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