Uncovered sin

September 15th, 2015

In August of this year, hackers released information stolen from the Ashley Madison website. The website offers help to those searching for partners to have extramarital affairs. Approximately a month before the information was actually released, the hackers issued a warning that they had infiltrated the website and if the company did not shut it down, the information would be made public. Between the warning in July and the actual release in August, there were no doubt many sleepless nights and guilt-ridden days as those who had availed themselves of the site waited with bated breath for their sin to be uncovered — and eventually it was.

No laughing matter

Of all the people exposed in the scandal, the media has focused most on those who are public personalities: Actors, businessmen and even ministers are among those reported to have been users of the site. Along with curiosity, speculation, gossip and shame regarding the scandal, there also has been a high level of ridicule aimed at those involved, and especially those who have confessed and/or expressed repentance for their actions. Sin of any kind is no laughing matter, and its consequences must be taken seriously. All sin has the potential to cause devastation in the lives of those affected. That devastation is compounded when sin is exposed publicly.

No judging

There were also ordinary, everyday people who were exposed. The whole world may not be watching them in judgment, as with the more public individuals, but families, friends and acquaintances certainly have been affected by their previously hidden sin. Churches should be in prayer for both the guilty and innocent lives affected by these types of scandals. And Christians must be ready to reach out to them with offerings of love, understanding and compassion instead of ridicule, judgment and shaming. Christ would have us remember that in our humanity we make mistakes and that he died on the cross in order that we may come to him in repentance and receive forgiveness and grace.

Question of the day: What should we do when our sin is exposed?
Focal Scriptures: Psalm 51:3-4; 2 Corinthians 7:10; Psalm 51:10-12

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