To heaven and back
On January 18, 1989, Don Piper was on his way home from a conference when a truck crushed his car in a terrible accident. When rescue workers reached the scene, they found Don’s lifeless body and he was pronounced dead. However, 90 minutes later, he returned to life with a story to share. Don had experienced heaven. This true story is the basis of the New York Times best-selling book “90 Minutes in Heaven,” and the film by the same title, currently showing in theatres.
Faith, not works
Heaven is a confusing concept for many teenagers. We live in a performance-based society where young people constantly strive to be proficient on state academic tests, excel on athletic fields, and win first chair in instrumental ensembles. Teens want to do well in order to feel a personal sense of success; but they also yearn for the favor and acceptance of their peers and influential adults in their lives. Due to the nature of the world, it comes as little surprise that adolescents have trouble understanding that one’s entrance into heaven is based on faith in Jesus Christ alone. We don’t have to do good works or be completely free of sin. Our eternal lives are the result of a relationship with Christ.
Focus on God
Heaven can also puzzle teenagers because we don’t have descriptions of what heaven will look like. Still, we do not need movies to give us proof that heaven exists. The Bible is full of evidence supporting the existence of heaven and the promise of eternal life. We definitely should not spend our time on earth worrying about the visual details of God’s kingdom. Instead, while we are on earth, we should focus on our relationship with God, because in heaven we will be with God forever. If we learn to love and trust Christ now, there is no need for concern about what waits for us later.
Question of the day: What do you think heaven will look like?
Focal Scriptures: Revelation 4; John 14:1-14; Mark 12:18-27
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