Worship Elements: November 14, 2021
25th Sunday after Pentecost
COLOR: Green
SCRIPTURE READINGS: 1 Samuel 1:4-20; 1 Samuel 2:1-10 (or Psalm 113); Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18), 19-25; Mark 13:1-8
As she copes with the tragedy of childlessness, Hannah, the mother of sorrows, praises God continually. After the birth of Samuel, Hannah, the mother of joy, still exults in her Lord. Her faith is a source of comfort, strength, and guidance throughout her life. The imagery of the lowly lifted up and the proud brought down by God’s knowledge and authority brings truth as well as warning. Psalm 113 echoes Hannah’s exaltation, blessing and glorifying the Lord who is to be praised. The New Testament readings add the dimension that Christ has shown us the “new and living way” of faith, hope, and love. As we travel together as disciples in Christ, striving to love God and one another, we must encourage and support our individual and corporate journeys. While there will be many challenges, both known and unknown, our strength and comfort are always in the Lord.
Call to Worship (1 Samuel 1, Psalm 113, Hebrews 10, Mark 13)
My strength is exalted in my God.
Despite sorrows and sadness, anxieties and vexations, we praise your name, O Lord.
For the power of the Lord gives me strength,
and the love of the Lord gives me hope.
With Hannah, the mother of sorrows,
we bless the name of the Lord, today and forever.
From the rising of the sun to its setting, God is with us.
Blessed be the name of the Lord.
We praise your holy name, O God.
From Hannah, the mother of joy,
we learn the bounty of unwavering hope.
Let your servant find favor in your sight, O Lord.
Hardship is a constant companion.
We must rely on the selfless example of Christ
to show us the way to truth, life, and love. Amen.
Call to Worship (1 Samuel 1 & 2)
Come worship the Lord who is in our midst today.
There is no Holy One like our God.
Like Hannah of old, we raise our voices
to praise the Lord of strength.
There is no Rock like our God.
We prepare to listen and learn
with open hearts and open minds.
There is no Source of knowledge like our God.
We trust that righteousness will come
on the heels of God’s judgment.
There is no Justice like our God.
May the Son of our God lead us into faith.
There is no Guide like our God.
Come worship the Lord who is in our midst today.
Opening Prayer (1 Samuel 1, Hebrews 10)
Holy One,
there is no God like you.
In praise and thanksgiving,
we come before you
ready to learn of your power,
ready to follow your path for our lives.
Through days of jubilation as well as dejection,
help us realize your influence in the world.
We ask simply for ears to hear,
eyes to see,
and minds to comprehend
the blessings you bestow. Amen.
Prayer of Confession (1 Samuel 1, Hebrews 10, Mark 13)
Rock of Salvation,
you give children to the barren
and strength to the feeble;
you exalt the poor
and lift up the needy.
We praise your holy name from morning to night,
yet we build walls that separate us: from you,
from one another, from the world,
even from ourselves.
We place stumbling blocks
in the way of goodness and truth.
We are led astray by promises of earthly treasure.
We confess our fallibility
and seek solace in the mother of our joy.
Teach us to pray and praise without pause,
confessing hope ceaselessly.
Guide us in our efforts
to encourage one another,
to work together for good in the world,
and to prepare for the day of the Lord.
Words of Assurance (Hebrews 10)
Our hearts are sprinkled clean and our bodies washed with the water of God’s love. Through the gift of Jesus Christ, God assures us that we are pardoned, forgiven, absolved, and released from our sin.
Passing the Peace of Christ (Hebrews 10)
Christ offers peace to all who will accept it. Share the love of God and encourage one another with hope as you greet one another in faith:
The peace of Christ be with you.
And also with you! Amen.
Response to the Word (1 Samuel 1, Hebrews 10)
Like God’s servant of old, we glorify the Rock of our faith. As a mother delights in her children, so our God delights when we follow the way of Christ. May these words live in our hearts and turn our minds toward the one who brings us life.
Offering Prayer (1 Samuel 1, Psalm 113, Hebrews 10, Mark 13)
Today, O Lord,
we offer you our sacrifice
of time, energy, and love,
knowing full well they are mere tokens
of the awesome faith you inspire within us.
Accept these gifts,
that they may continue the good work in Christ —
in our church, in our community,
and in the world.
Blessed be the name of the Lord!
Invitation to Communion (1 Samuel 1, Hebrews 10, Mark 13)
There is no Holy One like the Lord, no Rock like our God. From sorrow to joy, we celebrate and exalt our God together. Our Loving Parent, who entreats us to love one another, has offered us the beloved Son, the Christ. Our lives are redeemed with this amazing sacrifice. All who embrace this gift are invited to the communion table, to share with brothers and sisters who love, encourage, and nourish one another in faith. Come, eat, drink, live.
Benediction (1 Samuel 1, Psalm 113, Mark 13)
May the Holy One, the Rock of our salvation, bless us now! Join together in faith to work for truth and honesty. As God loves you, carry that love out into the world in peace, hope, and faith.
Benediction (1 Samuel 1 & 2)
Go in peace, remembering a mother’s faith in God —
a faith that provided her with comfort and strength
in her time of need.
May you pray unfailingly, grow steadily,
and love constantly. Amen.
Contemporary Gathering Words (1 Samuel 1, Mark 13)
We gather in the name of the Holy One, Rock of Life,
Ever Loving God, Strength and Power,
Love and Gentleness.
Come into the fold.
Join the journey,
and follow the way of Christ today!
Contemporary Gathering Words (1 Samuel 1)
There is no God like our God!
Praise God’s name forever!
Come, listen to what God has in store.
Praise God’s name forever!
Sing with joy, like a mother with a newborn baby.
Praise God’s name forever!
Pray without pausing, like a father waiting for news of a loved one.
Praise God’s name forever!
Bless God from sunup to sundown.
Praise God’s name forever!
Bless the name of the Lord forever!
Praise God’s name forever!
Praise Sentences (1 Samuel 1, Psalm 113, Hebrews 10, Mark 13)
Bless the name of the Lord forever!
The Rock of Life, the Holy One is here.
Praise God’s name!
Despite misery and heartache,
God is with us.
In times of joy and happiness,
God is with us.
Praise God’s name!
Praise God’s name!
Praise God’s name!
From “The Abingdon Worship Annual” edited by Mary J. Scifres and B.J. Beu, Copyright © Abingdon Press.