5 reasons leaders tend to micromanage
Most of the time micromanaging is not a positive characteristic of leadership. I have written previously about times I do micromanage, but these are rare.
In fact, I avoid it if possible — some on our team may say to a fault. There are times to manage closely, such as when you’re protecting a vision, but for the most part it disrupts progress more than it promotes.
As I work in the ministry world, however, it seems very common for micromanagement to be present. It could be a pastor who wants to control everything or a church governance that controls the pastor. And, by observation, I’ve learned there are common excuses for micromanagement.
Here are some reasons leaders resort to micromanaging:
It could be fear of a number of things. Fear it will be done wrong. Fear others will think the leader is not doing their job. Fear someone else may get credit instead of the leader. When a leader feels another person may receive recognition greater than the leader, he or she is more likely to try to navigate every outcome.

I’ve noticed when a leader is feels he or she doesn’t have what it takes to lead the team or organization — or becomes overwhelmed — when things are going badly in the church or organization — a leader often begins to control the actions of people around them. They become more strong-arm managers than visionary leaders.
Wrong team members
When the leader doesn’t feel he or she can trust the team members, he or she is likely to lead activities normally delegated. This can sometimes fall into the valid reason for micromanagement, but it shouldn’t last long without changes being made, either changing the team or helping the team improve.
Bad vision
The problem may not be the people — or even the leader — but that the leader is pushing people to accomplish something no one buys into or simply won’t work. Sometimes it’s time to move forward, but the leader is hanging onto a sinking ship, often refusing to admit it’s sinking. This is one I’ve seen many times in declining churches. Something needs changing, but the leader refuses to do the hard work and change.
Sadly, this is possibly the most common reason I have seen for micromanaging, and even more sadly is when I’ve seen it in the church. Some leaders relish the idea of holding power and so, to keep the sense of control, they use their position’s authority to control rather than empower.
Leaders, are you guilty of micromanaging? Do any of these reasons apply to you?
Ron Edmondson blogs at RonEdmondson.com.