The Resurrection and the Life

April 11th, 2017

Cute baby chicks, delicious chocolate bunnies, colorful dyed eggs, and beautiful clothing in pretty pastels are commercial evidence that Easter approaches. In all fairness, there are a few items for sale that represent the true meaning of Easter. There are crosses found in the jewelry, crafts, candy, and bakery departments. There are usually a few more Bibles advertised and available, along with coloring and storybooks that tell the Easter story. Also, there are egg hunts, pageants, cantatas, and brunches to enjoy during the Easter season. But it’s important to ask ourselves if we are embracing the true life-affirming implications of the Resurrection.

New Life

The resurrection of Christ makes possible the opportunity for renewal in our lives. Sin, death, and the grave can no longer hold hostage those whose faith is in Christ Jesus. Believers are able to live in the light of hope even in the midst of less than favorable circumstances. By God’s grace we are able to share in the resurrection power of Christ, and we are empowered to live our lives walking in the purpose God has for us. Our new lives should stand in sharp contrast to our old way of life, being bound by the power of sin, helpless and without hope. Our new life in Christ, lived in the light and hope of Christ’s resurrection, inspires us to share the good news of the gospel of Christ and do good things in the service of our Savior.

Eternal Life 

Because Christ has been raised from the dead, all who have faith in him will also be resurrected to eternal life. Eternal death no longer has dominion over believers. When Paul describes the resurrection of believers in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, he instructs believers to comfort one another other with those words. What peace it brings to know we do not have to fear or dread death! Because of Christ’s resurrection we can view death as a short nap from which we will awake to experience glories far beyond our imaginations. 

Question of the Day: How does the resurrection of Christ affect your life?

Focal Scriptures: Romans 6:4-5; Ephesians 2:4-10; 1 Corinthians 15:20-22; Luke 24

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