Prayer Helps: June 3, 2018
First Lesson—Young Samuel responds to the call of God to serve in succession to Eli. 1 Samuel 3:1-10 (11-20)
Psalm 139:1-6, 13-18
Second Lesson—Extraordinary gifts can be found in human vessels. 2 Corinthians 4:5-12
Gospel—Jesus exercises healing powers and does this work of compassion on the day of rest. Mark 2:23–3:6
Leader: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.
People: And also with you.
Leader: Jesus Christ is Lord and the Light of God. Come to the Light.
People: Come to the light that shines out of darkness.
In a dark world we live; from a dark world we come to worship, God of light. We have come to confess that we believe Jesus Christ to be our Lord and Savior. Let your light by the Spirit shine out of us wherever we go. Amen
Holy God, devout Christ, sanctifying Spirit, cleanse our speech from any trivial use of your hallowed name. Save us from attributing to you the hatreds and curses that issue from our anger whether justified or not. May our restraint turn others from the blasphemous use of your name and the desecration of what is holy. Hallowed be your name, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen
Declaration of Pardon
Pastor: Friends, hear the good news! The death that Jesus died in us reveals also the life that Jesus lives.
People: We die and live again in Christ.
Pastor: Friends, believe the good news!
People: In Jesus Christ, we are forgiven.
Keep a day of rest from work for everyone in your household so that you can give thanks to God for freedom and all of God’s great gifts.
Cure us, healing Christ, on this and every day of rest, that being restored in body, mind, and spirit, we may do what is good, learn what is helpful, and return to our daily work invigorated and inspired. Amen
Creator of light, we rejoice in the sunrise of each day, whether veiled with clouds or brilliant with the colors of morning. We celebrate your glory revealed in the face of Jesus Christ. Whether in the somber light of Good Friday or the bright glory of Resurrection morning, we live in the light your Spirit spreads in our minds and hearts, thankful for new understanding of your purposes for us, for fresh courage to face adversity, for new moral life as our sins are put to death. We praise you, Light above us, Light beside us, Light within us. Amen
God of power, you generously share your divine power with us in the plain earthenware that we are as the church of your beloved Son, Jesus. Our offering of time, money, and ourselves is to provide such humble media for the use of your Spirit, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen
God, remember those who are in any kind of trouble.
Be near to those who have lost loved ones, and who cannot get used to being alone, homes from which a father who was the wage earner and the support of the household, or a mother on whom everything depended, has been taken away.
Mend homes that have been broken, and bring together again those who have been separated from one another; and in such homes bless children who have been despoiled of the love that was their right to have.
Comfort and heal those in illness and pain, those whose nerves have broken under the tension of living, those whom the kindly light of reason has left, those who in their own foolishness have become the victim of drugs, or of habits that they cannot break, and which are breaking them.
Bless all little children and protect them from predators, that they may grow up in innocence and joy. Help all young people to find the ideals that will protect them from the strong temptations that beset them.
Refresh those in midlife, those who bear the burden and the heat of the day, those who have the responsibility of earning a living and making a home. Help them to go on even when things seem too much for them.
Sustain those who are old, to whom the years brought loneliness, those who feel that no one wants them now. Help them to wait patiently until the long night closes and the new day dawns.
Renew your Church. Reunite its divisions; strengthen witness; make lovely its service to you and neighbors.
Bless our country and world. Raise up for us leaders who put principle before power, who would rather be right than popular, who would rather be used in service than make use of others.
Bless all our loved ones, our absent friends, and help us always to remember that nothing can separate them or us from your love in life or in death. Show your love to each one of us. Be light in darkness, our strength in weakness, our protection in temptation, our refuge in danger, our comfort in sorrow.
Bring us at last with all your faithful people to the life in which there is no more weakness or suffering, temption or sorrow. Be our eternal friend as you are to those who have gone ahead of us to your final glory and peace. All this we ask through Christ our Lord, who with you and the Holy Spirit we honor and praise. Amen.
From Prayers for the Seasons of God's People; Copyright © Abingdon Press