Jesus' family values
Bishop Will Willimon preaches a sermon from Mark 3:20-35 called “Jesus’ Family Values.” “This would be a tough text for Mother’s Day,” Willimon begins. “If there’s one thing we can all agree on in this culture it is that family and marriage are a good thing. The family is the one unassailable, unadulterated good among us… And yet Jesus has the nerve to say that some things are even more important that that: hearing and doing God’s word, for example.”
Will Willimon is the author of Fear of the Other and Who Lynched Willie Earle? Preaching to Confront Racism, both from Abingdon Press. He also publishes Pulpit Resource, a weekly preaching resource available through Ministry Matters. This sermon is from A Sermon for Every Sunday, a series of lectionary-based video sermons designed for use in worship, Bible study, small groups, Sunday school classes or for individual use.