Previously in the Book of Genesis...
“Sometimes I think it would be super helpful to treat our sermons like TV shows,” begins David Lose, as in, ‘Previously, in Genesis 12, God called Abraham and he went–no doubt, no questions, no conditions. In today’s episode from Genesis 15, Abraham’s response to God is quite different.’” Abraham complains to God, “You have given me no offspring, so one of my servants is going to be my heir. Not my children, not my descendant, but a servant.” Lose, Senior Pastor of Mount Olivet Lutheran Church in Minneapolis says, “Sometimes faith comes pretty easy, but sometimes God’s promises can be really hard to believe.” What do we do in such times?
This sermon is from A Sermon for Every Sunday, a series of lectionary-based video sermons designed for use in worship, Bible study, small groups, Sunday school classes or for individual use.
For more sermon preparation help, check out Pulpit Resource, Will Willimon's weekly lectionary-based sermon resource, available online and through a print subscription.