Abingdon Preaching Annual

The Abingdon Preaching Annual includes:
The Primary Theme Fleshed out with brief, pithy nuggets of thought, idea jump-starters, or questions designed to spur the preacher’s imagination.
Secondary or Parallel Themes Two or three themes or streams of thought that are related to but separate from the primary theme offered.
Worship Helps Including Gathering Prayer, Collect, Pastoral Prayer, Congregational Prayer, Responsive Reading, and a Closing Prayer or Benediction.
Topical Essays These 700 word essays cover a variety of current and critical topics for the preacher—contributed by leading homileticians.
Full Sermons The full text from six to twelve sermons will be included. Additional are available online. These sermons will highlight best practices, unique approaches, and fresh voices.
Sermon Series Ideas This section will briefly outline and describe ideas for unique sermon series based on lectionary readings.
"As a weekly preacher, I often find that preparing for preaching and crafting sermons are spiritual disciplines for me. It is a time in which I try to quiet all of the other 'to do' lists that occupy much of my ministry. This resource from Abingdon Press will now be a partner in those conversations, almost like a new personal devotional guide. I am grateful for additional voices who can help me make space for God’s Living Word." - Shannon J Kershner, Pastor, Fourth Presbyterian Church, Chicago, IL
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Terms and Conditions
While MinistryMatters offers many resources free of charge, the Abingdon Preaching Annual, published by Abingdon Press, is offered as premium subscription content in print or with digital access. The Abingdon Preaching Annual is subscribed on an annual basis. Subscription charges will be applied to your bank credit card or to your Cokesbury account, based on the choice of the subscriber at time of purchase. The annual renewal date will be based on the subscriber’s original subscription date.You may subscribe at any time during the year. On the date that the print or digital subscription is placed, if it is within 90 days after the beginning of a new calendar year (that is, before April 1), the current annual year for the Abingdon Preaching Annual will be purchased and mailed (if a print subscription is selected) or the current online annual edition will become available immediately. If the subscription is placed more than ninety days after the start of a calendar year, the next calendar year's preaching annual will be purchased and mailed when available (typically before May 1) to begin the print subscription, and the next year's digital edition will become available within 60 days after the print edition is released.
Digital subscribers will get access to published backlist as it grows from year to year. You will be notified by email prior to the annual renewal date for your subscription. Your account will be automatically charged for the annual renewal unless you notify us prior to the renewal or within 10 days after the renewal date at MinistryMatters.com or by phone with a MinistryMatters customer service representative. Your subscription purchase of the Abingdon Preaching Annual is valid for an entire year, and partial refunds are not available. Contact customer service at 1-800-409-5346 or email .
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