Teaching Children
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Articles for: planning teacher training, new adult volunteers in children's ministries, parents in small groups discussing faith development. How will you use these articles?

Children's Faith Questions
By Elaine WardChildren ask faith questions because they are curious. Children have an insatiable curiosity, a desire and a need to know and to learn. They want to touch, taste, see, hear, smell … read more

Too Cool for Bible School?
By Rebecca WilliamsHaving trouble attracting your middle school students to Vacation Bible School? If your church is like most, young children come to VBS in droves. But middle-school students avoid … read more

Fun Ways to Begin and End Class
By Todd OutcaltMany teachers understand that, as they prepare their lessons, a few extra spices are often needed to make the classroom mix savory and exciting. Toward that end, here are extra… read more

Seven Learning Hooks
By Barbara BruceLearning hooks (in educational jargon they are called “pre-teaching strategies”) focus on identifying student knowledge or experience (what is already known)… read more

6 Steps to Effective Lesson Planning
By Sheri BaltzerI often hear questions regarding lesson preparation for children's groups: “Where do I start? How do I choose what to do? How do I make the lesson meaningful to my… read more

Calling Teachers and Leaders
By Jean FosterMany churches struggle to staff their Sunday School classes. In his book, The Ministry of the Volunteer Teacher, author Charles R. Foster emphasized that teachers are called by… read more

How to plan for VBS
By Betsy ParhamPlanning is key to a successful Vacation Bible School, but even with the turnkey nauture of curriculum packages, the number of tasks can be overwhelming for the program director… read more

The Lord's Prayer: A Prayer for Life
By Ron MillsJesus’ model prayer gives us words, patterns, and themes that take on an importance beyond ordinary Scripture. The Gospel of Matthew gives the Lord’s Prayer central… read more

The Wonderful World of Boys
By Mary Jane Pierce NortonBrain research has revealed ways to interact, communicate, and learn recognizing gender differences. Please remember, there are always exceptions. And our goal is not to place… read more

Is Your Church "Girl-Affirming"?
By M. Garlinda BurtonAccording to some researchers, by the age of three, girls get the message that they are in a lifelong beauty contest, with men and boys as the judges.
By age ten, girls get the… read more

Praying with Children
By Elaine WardPrayer is our relationship with God.
As we help children talk with God, we teach them about God. Having someone reliable beyond ourselves to whom we can turn and talk and listen … read more

Discipline: Love with Limits
By Elaine WardWhen you agreed to be a Sunday school teacher, you didn’t count on having to deal with discipline problems. In order to understand why a child behaves the way he or she… read more

Internet Safety Resources
By Delia HalversonResources and ideas for planning a class to help adults learn ways to keep kids safe on the internet.
Local church hosted classes:
Child Safety and Internet Safety for Families… read more