Worship Education (all ages)
About This Bin
Articles to develop a small group for young families on worship (incorporating family time, children's classes, and discussions for adults). Include in your worship education elements that are central to how your church worships. My church worships in a gym not a sanctuary.
Teaching Kids Worship Skills
By Carolyn C. BrownWhen we invite children to join us in the congregation’s worship, we invite them to an activity unlike anything else they experience during the week. If we want them to… read more
Teaching as We Celebrate the Christian Year
By Delia HalversonCelebrating the various seasons brings new meaning to our worship and removes the distance between the past and the present. That alone would be reason enough for following the… read more
Integrating Children Into Worship
By Rick QuinnHow do we help prepare children for the experience of worship? Should they have their own form of church until they are "ready for big church" (which usually means ready to be… read more
The Lord's Prayer: A Prayer for Life
By Ron MillsJesus’ model prayer gives us words, patterns, and themes that take on an importance beyond ordinary Scripture. The Gospel of Matthew gives the Lord’s Prayer central… read more
Restoring Christian Memory
By Jay VoorheesThis is a day you are to commemorate; for the generations to come you shall celebrate it as a festival to the Lord—a lasting ordinance. . . When you enter the land that the … read more
Extraordinary Ordinary Time
By Dow ChamberlainWhen I first learned that the Sundays after Epiphany as well as what we called the seasons of Pentecost and Kingdomtide were to be rolled into “ordinary time,” I was … read more
Worship in a Tote
By Betsy HallOn Easter Sunday 2008 a group of one hundred forty-four people huddled in a park pavilion for the first worship service of a new church that was yet to be named, led by Pastor… read more
Worship Without Walls
By Betsy HallPastor Jacob Armstrong and Providence Church plan a Worship Without Walls day of mission each year.
Becky Yates is the Outreach Coordinator for Providence Church. Here she… read more
Meaningful Worship Roles for Kids
By Betsy HallIf you've ever been assigned the job of making sure the acolytes (AKA kids with fire, lighting candles) were scheduled and trained, you've probably had this experience.
You get a … read more