Spiritual Gifts
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Articles and products related to spiritual gifts. If you are a subscriber there is more content in the Library than what is listed here. Do a search for spiritual gifts and choose Library for the drop down.
Rediscovering Our Spiritual Gifts
: Building Up the Body of Christ Through the Gifts of the Spirit, by Charles V. Bryant. Identifies 30 spiritual gifts and shows their value for the church. Upper Room.
Understanding Spiritual Gifts Participant's Workbook
Most Christians have a desire to find their spiritual gifts and to know what kind of life and mission that God is calling them to. This study allows an individuals and groups to…
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Serving from the Heart Leader Guide Revised/Updated
God’s plan for the church calls for each member of the Body of Christ to play a vital role. Sometimes we think that serving God is an obligation, a duty, and that it isn’t…
A Place in the Flock
By Shane RaynorIf you’re a lectionary preacher, it’s going to be difficult to avoid the subject of sheep and flocks this week. The best known of the Psalms, the 23rd, reminds us that … read more
Calling Teachers and Leaders
By Jean FosterMany churches struggle to staff their Sunday School classes. In his book, The Ministry of the Volunteer Teacher, author Charles R. Foster emphasized that teachers are called by… read more
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SPIRITUAL GIFTS [xari/smata charismata]. Spiritual gifts are a characteristic feature of the apostle Paul’s theology. Best known in the context of the ministry …
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TONGUES, GIFT OF [glw~ssa glo4ssa]. Speaking in tongues (glossolalia) is a gift of the spirit (1 Cor 12:10 1 Cor 12:10 ) in which a person who is inspired or who …
Argument Concerning Spiritual Gifts (12–14)
Argument Concerning Spiritual Gifts (12–14)
The formulaic "Now concerning . . ." indicates a new argument devoted to "spiritual things" (NRSV:…