Prayer in Church
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Prayer in worship, with others during meetings, teaching prayer, and sermons, articles, books, and subscription content to plan and research.
Volunteer Prayer Teams for Worship
By James K. WagnerHow many times have we considered a Prayer Team but weren't sure what the group would do? Consider discussing the suggestions below with those who have volunteered to be part of… read more
Be Where Your Body Is: A Prayerful Invitation During Church
By Kasey HittKnow how it feels to constantly be on autopilot? Sunday morning is often an hour of continued autopilot for people attending church. They simply happen to be there rather… read more
Community Prayer and Worship
By James C. HowellAnd they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. —Acts 2:42
Annie Dillard tells about a church she attended… read more
The Pastor's Prayer Team
By Ron EdmondsonThis week I tweeted, “Meeting with my personal prayer team. I’m confident I’ve underestimated their influence in my ministry. Every pastor should have… read more
The Power of the Pastoral Prayer
By Joe E. Pennel, Jr.Vocal prayer makes a bold assumption. It embraces the conviction that God is living, active, and present in the lives of individuals and in the life of the congregation. It holds… read more
Silence is Golden
By Karla M. KincannonHave you ever noticed the cacophony of sounds in many Protestant worship services? Words are spoken, sung, whispered, prayed, and shouted. Music rocks the walls, elevating… read more
Sermon Series: Prayer
By Dan Flanagan4 Week Series
Week 1: Divine Persona
Luke 11:1-4
Psychiatrist Gerald May begins his book Addiction and Grace with a bold statement: “I am convinced that all human beings… read more
The Model Prayer (Matthew 6:9-15)
By Tracey AllredGrowing up, there were very few instances in my home church when the congregation collectively spoke during our worship services. We rarely read the responsive readings printed in … read more
Confession and Prayer (Psalm 51)
By Tracey AllredIt is said that confession is good for the soul. Although I know this is true, I’m not sure that my five-year-old son would agree. Confession is a challenge for him. For… read more
Prayer That Makes a Difference
By James A. HarnishJust about every church I know talks about prayer. But if your experience is like mine, you've attended more than your share of church meetings that “opened” with a… read more
Longing to Pray
Includes Study GuideThis little book invites us to study with some ancient experts in prayer, the persons who wrote the Book of Psalms. We haven’t read long in the psalms before …
Generally viewed as a dynamic form of communion of the religious person with the deity or transcendent Other. True prayer involves articulation of that which is deepest…
Prayer is communication with God. Prayer in pastoral care is assisting people to communicate with God in their time of need. In the Christian tradition…
Improving health in body, mind, or spirit by means of prayer or other extranormal states of consciousness, usually occurring apart from orthodox medicine and…