Getting Kids to Church
About This Bin
Attracting youth despite competing demands on time, etc.

Youth and Worship Ministry
By David Lindner & Kevin KruseWe live in the fastest paced society in history (at least history we know about). And with that pace comes a huge benefit – we get to do some amazing things that… read more

The Art of Confirmation
By Sarah ArthurRecently, I was invited to sit on a youth ministry panel entitled, “Will Today’s Youth Be Tomorrow’s Church?” The number of registrants to the conference… read more

Crazy Days of Summer
By Ministry MattersYouth programs vary drastically when it comes to summer involvement. For some youth groups, summer is a time for growth and renewal after a busy school year, for others it can be… read more

It's Not Something You Do
By Joseph YooI recently got an email from an apologetic parent saying that their child no longer wants to do youth.
I wasn’t offended, nor did I feel like it was a reflection on me as… read more

Tell 'Em I'm Busy
By Abingdon YouthProduced by: John DeYoung
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Building Excitement for Summer Mission Work
By Todd OutcaltMake no mistake about it: Helping youth get excited about summer mission work is, well, work. Young people have so much to choose from; athletic camps sponsored by famous… read more

Reaching the Hip-Hop Generation
By Emanuel CleaverIt is no secret that young adults are noticeably missing in the pews of many Christian congregations around the country. Among this generation of missing in action churchgoers is… read more

Starting a Youth Choir (and Going on Tour!)
By Chris GreenMy very first church asked me to begin a youth choir. As youth director, I had the job of providing spiritual guidance to teenagers and give them experiences in sharing the… read more

4 Tips to Increase Youth Attendance
By Abingdon YouthWe all know how hard it is to build--and keep--a critical mass of young people in your youth program. Activities compete for their time, enthusiasm waxes and wanes, and the rest… read more