Spiritual Disciplines You Have Time For!

Created on March 7th, 2014

About This Bin

Kimberly MacNeill walks church leaders through the spiritual disciplines of: personal reflection, fasting, Sabbath, and worship.

Spiritual Disciplines You Have Time For!

Spiritual Disciplines You Have Time For!

By Kimberly MacNeill
Healthy churches are lead by healthy leaders. How is your health as a spiritual leader? If you were to evaluate your “spiritual fitness level” how are you doing? Have … read more
Spiritual Disciplines You Have Time For: Personal Reflection

Spiritual Disciplines You Have Time For: Personal Reflection

By Kimberly MacNeill
The spiritual discipline of personal reflection, when practiced well, takes time. However, would you agree that a little time for this discipline is better than no time at all?… read more
Spiritual Disciplines You Have Time For! Fasting

Spiritual Disciplines You Have Time For! Fasting

By Kimberly MacNeill
Scripture Reading: Ezra 8:21, Nehemiah 1:4, Daniel 9:3, Isaiah 58:13-14, Acts 14:23 Think about: What am I going to fast from and when? What am I hoping for as a result of… read more
Spiritual Disciplines You Have Time For! Sabbath

Spiritual Disciplines You Have Time For! Sabbath

By Kimberly MacNeill
Scripture Reading: Exodus 31:12-18, 35: 2-3, Deuteronomy 5:12-15 Question: What will be the hardest part of ceasing and resting for you? How will you overcome this? Question:… read more
Spiritual Disciplines You Have Time For! Worship

Spiritual Disciplines You Have Time For! Worship

By Kimberly MacNeill
Have you ever read about spiritual pathways like this before? Is this a new concept for you? How do you feel about it? Identify your spiritual pathway. Is it listed here? Does… read more