Spiritual Disciplines You Have Time For!
About This Bin
Kimberly MacNeill walks church leaders through the spiritual disciplines of: personal reflection, fasting, Sabbath, and worship.

Spiritual Disciplines You Have Time For!
By Kimberly MacNeillHealthy churches are lead by healthy leaders.
How is your health as a spiritual leader? If you were to evaluate your “spiritual fitness level” how are you doing? Have … read more

Spiritual Disciplines You Have Time For: Personal Reflection
By Kimberly MacNeillThe spiritual discipline of personal reflection, when practiced well, takes time. However, would you agree that a little time for this discipline is better than no time at all?… read more

Spiritual Disciplines You Have Time For! Fasting
By Kimberly MacNeillScripture Reading: Ezra 8:21, Nehemiah 1:4, Daniel 9:3, Isaiah 58:13-14, Acts 14:23
Think about:
What am I going to fast from and when?
What am I hoping for as a result of… read more

Spiritual Disciplines You Have Time For! Sabbath
By Kimberly MacNeillScripture Reading: Exodus 31:12-18, 35: 2-3, Deuteronomy 5:12-15
Question: What will be the hardest part of ceasing and resting for you? How will you overcome this?
Question:… read more

Spiritual Disciplines You Have Time For! Worship
By Kimberly MacNeillHave you ever read about spiritual pathways like this before? Is this a new concept for you? How do you feel about it?
Identify your spiritual pathway. Is it listed here? Does… read more