Children's Material

Created on April 13th, 2011
Welcoming Visitors with Children

Welcoming Visitors with Children

By Rita Hays
Jeff and Sally Wright are the parents of newborn baby Zack and they are visiting your church for the first time. Jeff and Sally may come away from their visit to your congregation … read more
Equipping Families to Worship at Home

Equipping Families to Worship at Home

By Carolyn C. Brown
One of the biggest barriers to family worship is the vision of what “ought to be.” That vision of a Norman Rockwell family pressed and dressed and gathered in a clean… read more
Teaching Kids Worship Skills

Teaching Kids Worship Skills

By Carolyn C. Brown
When we invite children to join us in the congregation’s worship, we invite them to an activity unlike anything else they experience during the week. If we want them to… read more
How Worship Brought Our Church Back from the Dead

How Worship Brought Our Church Back from the Dead

By Martin Thielen
Ten years ago the previous pastor of my church told the congregation, “Our church is dying.” And he was right. For four decades the church suffered slow but steady… read more