What does it mean to be "Wesleyan rooted"?
1. Spiritual Growth. Wesleyan rooted means to be deeply concerned about growth in grace. It emphasizes a view of salvation as restoration in which faith working by love leads to holiness of heart and life. It presses toward the goal of the fullest possible love of God and the fullest possible love of everything else in God—Christlikeness for the individual and the church.
2. Scriptural Dynamism. Wesleyan rooted means to have a dynamic view of Scripture. It means to have a strong, biblical orientation in which God’s inspired Word functions as the sufficient rule for faith and practice. It emphasizes God’s inspiration of the community that engages Scripture today in its efforts to interpret and apply God’s “living Word.”
3. Christlike Practice. Wesleyan rooted means to be Christlike in practice. It means to put faith into action in ways that are in sync with God’s loving purposes. Works of piety (prayer, Scripture, fellowship, and Eucharist) and works of mercy (compassion and justice) cultivate disciples of Jesus who are like him—merciful, compassionate, forgiving, loving.
4. Wide Embrace. Wesleyan rooted means to have a wide, gracious, and loving embrace. It means to put love at the very center of our life and mission, to be open to all people as beloved children of God, and to celebrate the gifts that all bring to use in the service of God’s reign of reconciliation and peace.
5. Missional Character. Wesleyan rooted means to be missional in character. It is missional in its design to partner with God in God’s great work of love in the world. Its fundamental orientation is outward, spun out in the life of the world to wage peace, work for justice, and emulate the “beloved community” God desires for all.