Children's Sermon for Your First Sunday

As you prepare for your first Sunday in a new congregation, you may already have started planning your first sermon, or thinking about what hymns to sing. But what will be your first children’s sermon? You probably don’t know very much about the chlidren in the next congregation yet – what will engage the children no matter how old they are, no matter how many of them there are? What is a children’s sermon you can deliver even if no children come forward?
This children’s sermon doesn’t require elaborate props or planning – perfect for when you are still unpacking!
Pack a bag, containing:
3 or 4 popular children’s books, and a small photo album
How many of you have a favorite story book [picture book]? [Or if the children are older: What was your favorite picture book when you were little?]
<Elicit responses>
I have a few favorite stories, too.
[I have a shelf at home with story books on it, and I brought some with me today to show you some of my favorites!] or [I borrowed these from a young friend of mine – these are some of her favorites.]
<Pull books out of bag, one at a time – this may elicit some responses>
But this is probably my most favorite story book!
<Pull out photo album>
<Responses? – The children may insist this is not a story book – if so, then try saying…>
It is true that there aren’t words in this book, but the pictures tell a story to me… let me tell you a story out of this book….
<Open the album, and point to the pictures you use as you tell the story>
<If the children don’t respond, try asking…>
Why do you suppose this one is my favorite?
This photo album tells stories about me, and about my friends and family! Let me tell you a story from this book…
<Open the album, and point to the pictures you use as you tell the story>
<Close album>
This is a different kind of story book than [list some titles the children named, or of the books you brought with you] The photos in this book remind me of the stories about [whatever the theme / era of the photo album is] Stories about my own life experiences!
Do some of you have photos at home of yourself and your family and friends?
And do some of you hear stories around the dinner table told by your parents or aunts and uncles or cousins or grandparents – stories about themselves, or about you when you were younger?
I hope that in the weeks ahead, I get to learn more of your special family stories, and I will share some of my special stories with you, too!
Picture story books are very good and important – and we like a lot of the same stories, even though we are just meeting today for the first time! And I expect that we share some of the same favorite Bible stories, too!
But sharing some of our own personal family stories – the kind that come from our memories and the memories of our family and friends – can help us learn even more about each other so that you and I can learn what it means for us to be family with each other – church family.
Will you pray with me?
<The following prayer is lined out into easy to repeat bits, if you like for the children to repeat after you as a form of unison praying>
Thank you, God,
for picture books
and Bible stories.
Thank you for photographs
and family stories.
Help us to become good friends
as we share our memories
and make new memories together.
In Jesus’ name, Amen