Patience in an impatient world
A recent computer glitch caused hundreds of Southwest Airlines flights and thousands of passengers to be delayed over the Columbus Day weekend. Stranded passengers who could not check in or check bags were left waiting in long lines for hours trying to find out what to do next. Some hungry and tired passengers took to social media to report their angst.
We live in a technologically driven culture that values speed and efficiency. We have come to expect technology to support all our activities. Advancements in technology are wonderful, but have we become so dependent that we do not know how to function without it? When a computer is slow, a network is down, or a smartphone crashes, how do we react? Have our devices turned us into a culture of impatient, privileged tech addicts who have lost the ability to reflect without a hashtag and 140 characters?
Hurry up and wait!
Teens live in the in-between world where they are no longer children but not yet adults. They are constantly encouraged to be patient and told to wait until they are older. But are we as adults giving them good examples of how to be patient, or of what to do while they wait? Teaching patience requires wisdom, discipline and, yes, patience. While we wait patiently for answers to prayer or direction for our lives, we cannot simply be idle. As Christians we are called to engage with the world by serving the least, the last, and the lost; and we are commanded to maintain our individual spiritual disciplines of prayer, presence, gifts, service, and witness.
Patience is a virtue
Our ancient Christian faith teaches us much about the path to holiness. It is usually countercultural, slow, includes some suffering or persecution, and requires persistence, patience, devotion to God through prayer, and devotion to God’s people through service. Like prayer, patience is a discipline that we learn, practice, and get better at over time.
Question of the day: Has technology made us less patient?
Focal Scriptures: Proverbs 15:18; Luke 15:11-32; Luke 2:36-38; James 5:7-11.
For a complete lesson on this topic visit LinC.