Sermon Starter: In the Wilderness

by Matthew L. Kelley
“Do you ever feel like you just don’t belong anywhere?” This question was posed to me by an older and wiser colleague of mine a while back. We were both at a… read more

The Cure for Stale Preaching

by Eric Van Meter
Nobody likes stale preaching. Nobody. Pastors who pluck the same sermons from their files year after year fret over the relevance of their material. Congregations sense when old… read more

Four Great Texts for Preaching About Money

by David R. Thomas
Psalm 116:1-14; Malachi 1; Matthew 25:14-30; Hebrews 11:4 Dwight L. Moody once said that standing just beside the ministry martyrs in heaven will be the ministry fundraisers. And … read more

Preaching on Money

by Bruce L. Emmert
Walking into the pulpit to ask our congregation to give while assuming that people do not want to give is a bit like a young man beginning his proposal of marriage with the words… read more

Why God Why?

by Justin W. Tull
This collection of sermons explores the age-old question of why a loving God allows suffering to visit His children. Tull encourages readers to ask why in good times as well as in … read more

Ripe Life

by C. Thomas Hilton
These sermons on "the fruit of the Spirit" are developed out of Galatians 5: 22-23. This theme is often selected by pastors who preach because it is an excellent vehicle into… read more
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