Coffee Shop Conversations

Making the Most of Spiritual Small Talk

Coffee Shop Conversations
Author Dale Fincher
Author Jonalyn Fincher
Publication Date 5/2010
Binding Book - Paperback
ISBN 9780310318873
Retail Price $18.99
Discount Price $16.99 (11% discount)
A 2008 study released by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life notes that the number of people creating their own interpretations of faith and culture is growing. Seems like there are as many different styles of faith as ways to order your latte. How does a Christian have normal conversations about Jesus without accidentally sounding offensive, bigoted or intolerant? You will find the tools you need for meaningful, tolerant, and respectful conversations about your faith with friends who don t share your views. Forget the fire and brimstone approach and the awkward insistence to get other people saved. You will discover how to be yourself without alienating others. You ll learn: How to walk in another person s shoes. Ways to gently invite others to share. The buzz words that will stop a conversation cold. How to navigate today s hot-topics. Tools to recover the true meaning of Scripture often obliterated by spiritual writers. How to talk about Jesus as a unique spiritual leader. You will discover how to invite people to become fully who Jesus wants them to be through this coffee shop approach to friendships in your community."