Disciple I Becoming Disciples Through Bible Study: Training DVD

Disciple I Becoming Disciples Through Bible Study: Training DVD
Publisher Abingdon Press
Publication Date 5/2005
Binding Mixed Media
ISBN 9780687494033
Retail Price $117.99
This Training DVD provides video helps to enhance your skills as a Disciple leader in your congregation. Hear presentations from national Disciple trainers to learn:

What Disciple is
How to use the various Disciple components
Your role as the Disciple leader
About identifying spiritual gifts together (Disciple Lessons 33 and 34)
How to implement the Disciple program in your church
Ways to recognize the commitment of Disciple participants and graduates

Speakers include: National Disciple trainers, Dr. Bob Winstead and Rev. LuAnn Charlton, Disciple leader Candice Flowers,  and Bishop Richard Wilke, author of the Disciple Bible study program. 

Take home the "Role of a Leader" role-playing video with Dave Nichols popular in Disciple training events.  A short promo video, appropriate for presenting Disciple to your congregation, is also included on the DVD.